Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Mise-En-Scene in Taxi Driver

Taxi Driver is about Travis Bickle, a â€Å"sick† taxi driver who is both a prophet and/or a mad man. We are never allowed to know what the movie itself thinks of him, we are never told to love him or hate him and the movie never states whether he is ethically right or wrong. This movie is not about the answers to the problems of the society. It is just about the questions and unknowns. It is just an interesting journey in the modern society that could make people discuss about Travis hours and hours. Talking with other people, I was amazed how people can think of him in different ways. Some say he is â€Å"sick†, some say he is their â€Å"prophet†. The fast cuts in the editing (when he practices with the guns) make us enter in his state of mind. But also, some long takes force us to analyze and understand what happened (Very high-angle takes that Scorsese calls â€Å"Priest shots† after the massacre. ). The movie switches dynamically between these styles, which leaves the audience an infinite ways of thinking about the Travis. This is beyond doubt not a journey like Odysseus where the hero always moves forward. In Taxi Driver the hero's journey is always around the same circle. He does not meet any new people or experience new situations. Same people turn around him, or maybe he turns around the same people and he repeatedly recognizes similar concepts in them. In a realistic movie the fact that he meets with those people so many times and in so many different places would be a mistake. However, this is not a realistic movie. Palantine who was already around him (thanks to the posters and Betsy) gets into his car (which is highly unlikely to happen); he sees Iris in many different unrelated places (three times); Scorsese appears in the movie twice (the unknown one of these is in the scene where we first see Betsy. He is also watching her in the back. ). Also different people reminds him of similar concepts: Betsy and Iris are both woman who are to be saved from the lives they are stuck in, and he sees many different people who cannot communicate with him. This circle with Travis in its center is also represented in the camera movements: either the camera is traveling around him or it is panning to show the panorama of the New York life through his eyes. Moreover, in two different scenes the camera and Travis make the other 180 degrees of the circle and meet at the same place. These formal elements help us understand and feel how Travis is also encircled and alone in that sick world. The fact that this is not a realistic movie is also proved by some of the elements in the narrative. First of all, Travis is described as someone who never sleeps, and we really never see him sleeping. Secondly, the time gaps between the shots (sometimes a week, or maybe a month: after he first signs up for the job, the next shot is in his apartment, and he describes his daily routine. ) also prove that this is a stylized movie. Lastly, although he is almost illiterate (- Education? – Yes, some, you know, here and there! ), he has a diary and we hear him telling us what he is writing. He sometimes even becomes poetic. All of these are almost implausible for an ordinary taxi driver. As a final point about the realism, I think the appearance of Scorsese himself is to remind us that â€Å"this is just a movie† and that we should not get into the story too much. I think he appears at a very important point, when everything starts to boil and the audience risks to be caught in Travis' delirium too much. Travis' alienation and loneliness is one of the most underlined ideas in the movie. Even when he is with other people he is very seldom shown as having a real communication with them. One very interesting shot is when he first sits in the cafe with his friends. He sits on the other side of the table and they are on the other sides of the frame. They seem like they are very far apart from each other. Also, when Travis talks with other people (except Iris and Betsy) he never looks at them. There are even some shots where we see what he is looking at, which shows his disconnection with those people. Naturally, for a person so disconnected to the society â€Å"exchanges† are very important. It could be an exchange of a gun or a paper or feelings. Scorsese emphasizes these using some unusual high angles, looking at the action from above. It happens four times in the movie: in the taxi office, in the movie theater, in the gun exchange, and most importantly when he first declares his love to Betsy in the campaign headquarters. In the last one, there is only a shot of the desk from above and the camera is panning in a strange way with no obvious reason. However, we know from the two other scenes that this shot underlines the â€Å"real exchange† of feelings between Travis and Betsy. Furthermore, in one of the best shots of the movie, after his useless and empty talk with Wizard the camera just stands and watches his cab going away and fading in the streets while Wizard is looking at him. The scene announces his detachment from the people and the society. As Taxi Driver is not moving forward as a movie, there is no reason for an obvious change in style. The dizziness of the colors and the fact that the background is often out-of-focus in the whole movie reminds us that there is no way to see the society in a sharper way and finding solutions. We are almost lost in it. Very shiny colors, especially reds, blues and greens, form the main palette of the movie. However, there are some slight changes of colors. For example, in the scenes where he continues his relationship with Betsy, a peaceful green dominates the screen. In the scenes leading to the final massacre, red becomes the leading and threatening color. Again, after that, green again becomes the main color as the scenes have a feeling of calm in them. Moreover, the Sport's street is darker than many of the places in the movie suggesting a mystical feeling, which prepares us to the climax that happens there. Other important things I want to note about the mise-en-scene are the costumes and the hairs. Travis often changes the way he is dressed and his hairstyle according to the situation. He becomes a very nice-looking guy when he is going to meet with Iris or Betsy. He wears his nice shirts brushes his hair. When he is going to show his anger or his dark side he either wears his marine or leather coat and leaves his hair as it is or even, at the end, shaves it. These changes show the instability of his personality and the two opposite characters of Travis Bickle, a prophet and a sick guy. When he looks nice, we tend to like him; when he looks crazy, we are afraid. Furthermore, the costumes and the hairstyles help Scorsese call attention to one of the most important parallelisms of the Taxi Driver that I already mentioned. Betsy often wears red clothes as Iris does when they meet with Travis. In addition, they are both blondes. That forces us to understand the parallelism between them; according to Travis they are both to be saved from the lives they are stuck in. The climax of the film is obviously the massacre as it is probably the most intense and shocking scene of the film. It is shot and edited as if it was a dream and we are never sure whether it really happens or whether it is just Travis' imagination. The only thing we know for sure is that it is the explosion of his unexpressed feelings toward the society and the manifestation of his hate against the people. The use of red and some unusual high angles stress the dreamy quality of the scene. Sport's reappearance and Travis' survival despite the shot that just missed his throat are out of our worst nightmares. Again, Scorsese does not expect us to believe in it. He just wants us to meditate in what happened. The following scenes also have the same dreamy mood. The greens dominate the night scenes and an interesting peacefulness is expressed with the very slow panning of camera and the tender voice of Iris' father. Also the fact that Travis got away without going into prison and Betsy's way of looking that shows her admiration for him make the scene seem like a wonderful dream. At the very end, although Travis is again driving the car, his face is lightened very strongly in a way we are not used to in the movie (It was always dark! ). Is he enlightened? Is he a prophet? However, suddenly, something happens and his face seems red in the mirror, but he fixes it. Is he a lunatic? Is he dead or dreaming? You won't find the answer to these questions in this movie.

Roman Catholic Saints

Well there are over 2,500 according to Roman Catholicism sources, but no definitive count. This is because many were put into saint hood a long time ago by popular demand of the people. How the Church chooses saints Canonization, the process the Church uses to name a saint, has only been used since the tenth century. For hundreds of years, saints were chosen by public acclaim. Though this was a more democratic way to recognize saints, some saints' stories were distorted by legend and some never existed. Gradually, the bishops and finally the Vatican took over authority for approving saints. In 1983, Pope John Paul II made sweeping changes in the canonization procedure. The process begins after the death of a Catholic whom people regard as holy. Often, the process starts many years after death in order give perspective on the candidate. The local bishop investigates the candidate's life and writings for heroic virtue. Then a panel of theologians at the Vatican evaluates the candidate. After approval by the panel and cardinals of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, the pope proclaims the candidate â€Å"venerable. The next step, beatification, requires evidence of one miracle (except in the case of martyrs). Since miracles are considered proof that the person is in heaven and can intercede for us, the miracle must take place after the candidate's death and as a result of a specific petition to the candidate. When the pope proclaims the candidate beatified or â€Å"blessed,† the person can be venerated by a particular region or group of people with whom the person holds special importance. Only after one more miracle will the pope canonize the saint (this includes martyrs as well). The title of saint tells us that the person lived a holy life, is in heaven, and is to be honored by the universal Church. Canonization does not â€Å"make† a person a saint; it recognizes what God has already done. When the church began honoring saints By the year 100 A. D. , Christians were honoring other Christians who had died, and asking for their intercession. Many people think that honoring saints was something the Church set up later, but it was part of Christianity from the very beginning. As a matter of fact, this practice came from a long-standing tradition in the Jewish faith of honoring prophets and holy people with shrines. The first saints were martyrs, people who had given up their lives for the Faith in the persecution of Christians. Keeping statues or pictures is not idolatry Look at the pictures of your loved ones in your wallet or around your home or office. Why do you keep these particular pictures? You might answer that you carry those pictures to remind you of people you love, to help you feel that they're close to you when you're not together, or to share with people you meet. But you probably didn't say you worshipped them. Those are some of the same reasons we have statues and pictures of saints. Seeing a statue of Saint Therese of Lisieux who lost her mother when she was a child might make us feel less alone when we are grieving. A picture of Saint Francis of Assisi might remind us of how much he loved God's creation and make us more aware of our environment. We pray with saints We pray with saints, not to them. Have you ever asked anyone to pray for you when you were having a hard time? Why did you choose to ask that person? You may have chosen someone you could trust, or someone who understood your problem, or someone who was close to God. Those are all reasons we ask saints to pray for us in times of trouble. Since saints led holy lives and are close to God in heaven, we feel that their prayers are particularly effective. Often we ask particular saints to pray for us if we feel they have a particular interest in our problem. For example, many people ask Saint Monica to pray for them if they have trouble with unanswered prayers, because Monica prayed for twenty years for her son to be converted. Finally her prayers were answered in a way she never dreamed of — her son, Augustine, became a canonized saint and a Doctor of the Church. Bread and Wine Symbol Bread and Wine/Wheat and Grapes: Because of the bread and wine they produce, the symbols of wheat and grapes are often used to designate the Eucharist. Bread is the basic food of every culture and of every age in human history. Made from the toil of human hands, the many grains of wheat are transformed and become one to nourish and sustain us. A meal, in which bread is broken and shared, becomes a means of bonding human beings together. This is the sign Jesus used to describe Himself as the â€Å"Bread of Life. Following His command, in faith we take and eat this Bread, His Body, and become one with Him. From ancient times wine is associated with banquets, joy and celebration, a gift of God to gladden our hearts. The grapes, like the grains of wheat used for bread, are fruits of the earth and give of themselves in order that we might celebrate and be glad. This sign which Jesus used for His Blood, speaks to us of giving and of sacrifice in order that we might enjoy the benefits of His love in the banquet which is the foretaste of heavenly joy

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Apple Swot

Apple SWOT In the 2011 Fortune 500 rankings Apple finished 35th, jumping from the 56th position it established the year before. As of January 2012 Apple surpassed Exxon to become the largest Corporation in the world. Apple’s rapid climb from virtual bankruptcy in 1996 is an incredible story. (Eberhard) Strengths: The products The company's reputation as an innovator Strong, loyal following Control over applications and operating systems Brand AwarenessWeaknesses – Apple's â€Å"All In† philosophy has some drawbacks – for example, my Windows phone will not sync on my Macbook. This perceived â€Å"if you're not one of us, you are one of them† mindset makes new converts to Apple products wary. Apple doesn't â€Å"fail† often but when they do it makes major headlines. Apple Maps served to show how big of a blunder one Apple branded failure can really be. (Goldman). The lack of forethought into the iPad.No matter how great of a success – an d it certainly is – Microsoft's Surface's screen size and inclusion of USB ports and a keyboard is going to make the next generation of the iMac – which could very well be a super charged iPad with all the required ports and a new OS – make Apple look like it is playing catch up instead of leading the innovation themselves. Closed source applications and operating system Brand perceived as â€Å"elitist† Diversity of products Cost of product vs. competitors Over saturation (iPhone)Opportunities – Apple is readying a Pandora like streaming music service and Apple TV could change the way we view our programing much in the same way the iPod and iTunes revolutionized the music business. Music streaming service Apple TV Shifting more production to US factories The Chinese Market yet to be fully tapped Integration with automakers Threats – Basically everyone who isn’t Apple – Google/Android, Microsoft/Windows 8, Samsung, the list goe s on – if you plug it in and talk, listen touch, type, or surf on it and it isn't an Apple, it is a threat to Apple.Apple's threats come from all directions because Apple not only produces product, it also produces all of the operating systems for it's product and tightly controls what content outside vendors can sell on the App Store. Changes in economy Changes in marketplace Chinese labor controversies Google's Android OS Microsoft's Windows 8 and Surface tablet Windows retail stores http://www. heavy. com/news/2012/12/google-maps-returns-to-iphone/ http://robeberhard. com/? page_id=130 Samsung SWOT Samsung was founded in 1938 as a fish and vegetable grocer. After the Korean War, Samsung's assets were divested and the grocery business was laid to rest.In 1969 SEC, the Samsung Electronic Corporation was created, beginning the Samsung as we know them today. Samsung now produces televisions, mobile phones, tablet computers, DVD and Blu-Ray players, MP3 players, cameras and sem iconductors. Over the years as they acquired new business and branched out into new ventures they have been subject to a variety of lawsuits involving copyright infringement, including those with watchmaker Rolex, mobile phone maker Ericsson and most recently Apple Computer. Apple recently surpassed Samsung to take the number one spot in marketshare in the mobile phone category. Tinari) Samsung's partnership with Google has provided a consistent OS (operating system) for it's mobile devices with Android. Android is an â€Å"open source† operating system, which, unlike Apple's, allows for third party users to openly contribute application and programs without company interference or oversight. While this gives users a wider variety of applications, there is no quality control over them, nor is there a way for Samsung to provide the customer service often required of these applications as Samsung has no part in their creation and distribution.Samsung recently won one of many la wsuits with Apple over the design of their popular Galaxy tablet. The recently released Microsoft Surface tablet and the Kindle Fire are Samsung's largest non-Apple competition in this market, however there are a number of super low cost tablets coming out of China that are also relying on the Android OS. These low cost, low quality tablets are forcing Samsung to advertise more aggressively to assure they are not lumped into this sub group of iPad knock offs. Strengths: Wide range of products Multiple partnerships with other brands, particularly Google and their Android operating system Growing marketshareHigh brand value Open source operating system Weaknesses: Lack of control over product once it's partners become involved Slow to release new product Lack of focus on one core product Lower price means lower perceived quality Complaints of not being â€Å"user friendly† Opportunities: Open more retail outlets Partnership with new brands means more innovation Reintroduce phon es with more user friendly interface Capitalize on Apple's failures Provide more customer service Threats: Continuing legal battle with Apple over copyright infringement Low cost competition in the tablet marketEmulation phones with Android OS weaken Samsung's image Microsoft's Surface tablet Windows Retail stores Changes in marketplace Changes in economy image: www. businessweek. com image: www. talkandroid. com image: www. obamapacman. com http://www. intomobile. com/2013/02/01/apple-grabs-34-mobile-market-share-passing-samsung-become-1/ http://www. businessweek. com/articles/2012-07-03/samsungs-smartphone-pitch-fuels-mobile-ad-boom http://www. talkandroid. com/154223-samsung-ramped-up-advertising-in-2012-outspent-apple-by-68-million/ http://obamapacman. com/2010/11/fail-samsung-galaxy-tab-flash-pop-up-ad-annoys-cnn-users/

Monday, July 29, 2019

Mobile security' (cell phones, laptops, tablets) Research Paper

Mobile security' (cell phones, laptops, tablets) - Research Paper Example bile devices for carrying out different tasks has grown to a massive extent. At the present, people like to use mobile in carrying out a variety of tasks that were once carried out using the computers and laptops. In other words, the technology has become more and more ubiquitous. The use of mobile devices such as iPads, iPhone or tablets offer a large number of advantages for all kinds of people. These devices can be used for various purposes such as entertainment, for business tasks or communication. In this scenario, these devices provide a number of benefits. On the other hand, these devices also raise a variety of security issues for business organizations and individuals. This paper has presented a detailed analysis of mobile security issues. This paper has discussed a number of security issues from different perspectives. For instance, what security issues can occur due to software, or network service or physical threats? This paper has discussed various types of all these iss ues. This paper has also considered the concept of â€Å"bring your own device (BYOD)†, which is a latest emerging business trend. This trend allows business employees to bring their devices for carrying out official tasks. This paper has also talked about the issues raised by BYOD trend. This paper has also presented recommendations to deal with these issues. 26 Works Cited 27 Introduction This era is known as the era of information and communication technologies (ICTs). In the past few years, there have emerged a large number of innovative ICT based tools and technologies. Without a doubt, these innovations and advancements of information technology have brought a large number of opportunities and benefits for business organizations and individuals. In other words, these devices have become more ubiquitous. Though these mobile devices are smaller in size but they encompass powerful computing capabilities, which allow business organizations and individuals to carry out their daily tasks regardless of their location and time limitation. In fact, these devices also integrate a wide variety of functionalities and applications to carry out a number of tasks. For instance, using these devices business employees can access their office from anyplace at anytime. They can perform their office related tasks at home. In the same way, students can use these devices to get access to a mountain of educational data and material. Though, these mobile devices and technologies bring a large number of benefits and opportunities for all kinds of people for all kinds of tasks. On the other hand, they also cause a variety of se

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Literature review chapter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Literature review chapter - Essay Example The development of private enterprises have shown growth over the last few decades, this expansion in the private sector is attributed to the benefits that privatization brings along (Dahel, 2001). The contribution of people towards Gross Domestic Product (GDP) generation is maximized through privatization. The margin of innovation becomes broader, and companies may define their policies according to their status.The freedom of decision making has been supportive towards the idea of privatization. Privatization seems to be an appropriate policy for increasing quality and variety in telecommunication industry. In 1992, the Kuwait Investment Authority began 3 phases plan of privatization. The aim of this initiative was to reconstruct the economy, and minimize the dependence on revenue generated by oil. The policy of privatization was devised in such a manner that it could entertain domestic as well as foreign investor. The five different methods that were employed by the Kuwait Investment Authority include Sale of Government Shares, General Tendering, Management Contracts, Lease Arrangement, and Cooperation with the Government. However, privatization is not a compulsion efficient provision of services(Doh, 2000). Heracleous (1999) studied the case of Singapore, and analyzed its public owned telecommunication sector that offers the quality of services according to the world standards. Further, Heracleous (1999) has dichotomized the debate of ownership, and its effects on the performance of an organization. The management team of an organization is authorized by the owners to manage the affairs, therefore, it does not matter who owns the company, as far as the administration of the organization is making the right decisions (Heracleous, 1999). Heracleous (1999) reveals important aspects of the privatization debate in the telecommunications industry. By discussing the unique and

Saturday, July 27, 2019

In Tort law, pure economic loss is never recoverable in an action for Essay

In Tort law, pure economic loss is never recoverable in an action for negligence - Essay Example However, the concept is evolving to cover other cases over the period of time. Pure economic loss In the case of pure economic loss, the loss strikes the victim’s wallet without any harm to the plaintiff’s person or property. According to Bussani & Palmer (2003, p. 4), there has never been a universally accepted definition of ‘pure economic loss’ and a number of legal systems neither recognize the legal category nor distinguish it as an autonomous form of damage. An act of negligence causing physical damage to a person may cause pure economic loss to another. It becomes non recoverable if the act is unintentional. The cause and effect relationship with reference to the breach of one’s duty and pure economic loss in relation to its impact on the complainant is very complicated in nature. Not only the gravity of the situation, but also the circumstance, varies from case to case. The factual causation is different in its scope from 'legal causation'. Ac cording to Cardozo, J., liability is â€Å"in an indeterminate amount for an indeterminate time to an indeterminate class†. ... Assuming that someone was directly injured then you have an issue about whether one can recover for his pure economic loss. Negligence in duty of care Individuals owe duty of care to strangers even when they are not related to them by way of any formal contracts. Any activity either performed individually or in group, if it results in harm to others, either physically, mentally or economically, according to the principles of justice, they are liable for their failure in exercising duty of care in their actions. Taking reasonable care in preventing harm to others or avoiding acts or omissions which one can reasonably foresee would likely to injure others, is the underlying point.   When a person is not responsible for an incident which resulted into injury to others, the person is not liable, and this principle was established in the case of Donoghue v Stevenson  [1932] AC 562   A causal relationship exists between negligence and the damages caused. The neighbourhood principle e stablished in Donoghue v Stevenson  [1932] AC 562  was expanded in scope in the later cases to cover various forms of duties and situations.   It was established in Anns v Merton London Borough Council  [1978] AC 728 known as Anns test states that: A sufficient relationship of proximity or neighbourhood exists between the alleged wrongdoer and the person who has suffered damage, such that carelessness on the part of the former is likely to cause damage to the latter. In Caparo Industries plc v Dickman  [1990] 2 AC 605, the threefold test, ‘reasonably foreseeable’, ‘proximity or neighbourhood’ and ‘fair, just and reasonable to impose liability’ was

Friday, July 26, 2019

The goverment should make the guns illegal -Con PowerPoint Presentation

The goverment should make the guns illegal -Con - PowerPoint Presentation Example As such, the rates of criminal activities associated with guns will reduce as much as possible. This may be critical in ensuring safety, peace and developments in the country, thereby translating to strong economy. There are several reasons to support the issue of making the guns illegal. It is of crucial importance to note that ownership of guns is closely associated with criminal activities. For instance, most criminal activities like robbery, rape as well as suicides are always eased through the use of guns (Streissguth, 74). Making the guns illegal is the safest bet to thwarting issues of insecurity. Making the ownership of guns illegal is essential since it will reduce the chances of criminals, school bullies as well as other hooligans from accessing guns. This will prevent massive fatalities associated with such acts. Making the guns illegal limits the possibilities of guns being in the hands of children (Lott, 75). This helps in limiting the chances of gun bullying that may result to deaths of innocent individuals. In addition, the restriction to gun ownership will greatly reduce the chances of people committing passion suicide following situational stresses (Whitney, 57). Therefore, any move to make the guns illegal is critical in managing, preventing as well as minimizing such crime related activities involving the usage of guns. This is crucial in bringing peace as well as safety to the lives of individuals. This follows that illegalizing of guns is key in heightening security issues as well as minimizing criminal related activities involving the use of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Organized Crime Group Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Organized Crime Group Analysis - Essay Example One of the most prominent and oldest gangs in the region is the vice lord gang. The gang consisted mostly of individuals from the African American community and participated in various criminal activities including extortion, drug trafficking, robbery, murder and numerous forms of fraud. The gang came into existence in 1958, where several youths of African American origin from the Chicago neighbourhood of north Lawndale, met during their incarceration at a Chicago juvenile facility. The founding member of the gang was named Edward Perry, and he used the alias Pepalo (Chepesiuk, 2007). The word vice, which is prominent, in the gangs name is said to mean a tight grip. The release of leaders from prison resulted in recruitments, which augmented the gang’s participation in criminal activities, within the city’s confines. Their notoriety increase rapidly and by 1964, they were the primary target of law enforcers in the city. They were known for their violent nature and were feared in their neighbourhood (Diamond, 2009). The gang attempted to repair their public image and the gangs name was changed to conservative gang lords. They further took the approach of being a community outreach organization in the 1970s. This was achieved with the help of a social worker David Dawley who was Caucasian despite the gang’s racial inclination. This guise was successful with the gang receiving positive feedbacks from leaders and politicians in the community. Their rebranding efforts were capped with a grant of $275,000 from the Rockefeller foundation (Diamond, 2009). This period saw the consolidation of numerous gangs into the vice lords leading to an increase of their membership. The community, however, were finally able to see through the gangs disguise discovering they were involved with criminal activities and violence in the community. The gang’s involvement in

Precis Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Precis - Article Example rvative approach to assess the seriousness of the ongoing extinction crisis, by setting a high bar for recognizing mass extinction, that is, the extreme diversity loss that characterized the very unusual Big Five. The purpose of the authors in this research is to highlight some of most probable approaches in extinction. The article by Anthony D. Barnosky and others is very crucial in comprehending about the anticipated future of extinction of species and has impacted me in such ways that now I have started to think about the future of human beings. It is particularly significant for me since before reading it, I never considered â€Å"extinction† as a serious matter and secondly I am now thoughtful about what could be done to deal with this. I believe other readers too will be affected in similar ways as I am and will now think about what to do regarding this. Barnosky, Anthony D., Ben Mersey, Nicholas Matzke, Elizabeth A. Ferrer, Kaitlin C. Maguire, Emily L. Lindsey, Jenny L. McGuire, Charles Marshall, Tiago B. Quental, Brian Swartz, Guinevere O. U. Wogan, and Susumu Tomiya (2011). Has the Earth’s sixth mass extinction already arrived?   Nature  471.7336 (2011): 51-57. Print. Stuart L. Pimm, Mà ¡rcio Ayres, Andrew Balmford, George Branch, Katrina Brandon, Thomas Brooks, Rodrigo Bustamante, Robert Costanza, Richard Cowling, Lisa M. Curran, Andrew Dobson, Stephen Farber, Gustavo A. B. da Fonseca, Claude Gascon, Roger Kitching, Jeffrey McNeely, Thomas Lovejoy, Russell A. Mittermeier, Norman Myers, Jonathan A. Patz, Bradley Raffle, David Rapport, Peter Raven, Callum Roberts, Jon Paul Rodrà ­guez, Anthony B. Rylands, Compton Tucker, Carl Safina, Cristià ¡n Samper, Melanie L. J. Stiassny, Jatna Supriatna, Diana H.Wall, and David Wilcove in their article â€Å"Can We Defy Nature’s End?† assert that preventing extinctions is practical, but requires innovative measures. The authors here develop and support their major claim through opinion of the majority while

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Developments in SEN )Special Educational Needs Essay

Developments in SEN )Special Educational Needs - Essay Example This approach concentrated on difference rather than normality, on sickness rather than well being, and specifically on the problem affecting the child. In doing so, children acquired medically diagnosed groups, which emphasized on deficit rather than potential (Jones 2003, p.9). Therefore, in the early 20th century education for children with special needs used the strategy of separate, special schools for children thought to need such schools. In addition, psychometric analysis by early psychologists supported the use of special schools. In 1944, a number of reforms were done on the education system. The majority of the reforms were towards the mainstream education and the availability of free education for all. In addition, the 1944 education reforms also addressed particular aspects of education for education for children with special needs. However, the approach, and definition of children with special requirements was not as sufficient as its requirements for education in gener al (Hodkinson & Vickerman 2009, p.23). The 1944 Act still relied on the medical model of disability. Under this Act, eleven categories of handicap were identified, and children belonging to those categories were identified based on their desired treatment. The use of unique schools to educate children with special needs remained the most desired approach, although less recognition was paid to the provision of education in mainstream schools. The 1944 Act continued to refer to children with a disability of mind or body, and focused on special schools to cater for handicapped children (Jones 2003, pg 13). Through the 1960s and 1970s, education for children with special needs shifted towards an approach favored by behaviorist psychologist. An example of psychologist who played a crucial role in shaping education for children with special needs was Lois Malaguzzi who spent much his time understanding how children learn. This approach focused on the need to apply operant conditioning tec hniques. Experts refused the medical model and campaigned for an approach that applied only what that could be observed. The approach was criticized by some behaviorist terming it a significant weakness. However, the reforms were very vital because they emphasized on the possibility to modify the problems of children with special needs. In addition, the reforms placed the responsibility to the teacher as one way of ensuring that the reforms became effective (DfES, 2004). The behaviorist techniques appeared very effective in dealing with particular difficulties such as self help skills. On the other hand, they were seen as less effective in assisting children with duties that required more understanding. It is evident that the 1960s and 70s created a way for new approaches to special needs. During this period, attitudes towards special education started to change, and in some sections the behaviorist initiatives caused the teaching of children with learning problems appear more acces sible to teachers in mainstream schools. In connection to this, Vygotsky who was a renowned education theorist, once pointed out that most essential learning by a child happens through social interaction with the help of a skillful tutor. Similar sentiments were put forward by John Dewey who argued that learning and education are interactive and social processes, and the school remains to be a social institution whereby social

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Plankton Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Plankton - Research Paper Example The third category, though rarely considered in most cases, comprises of bacteria which mostly feed on dead matter leaving only a few that are photosynthetic. Majority of the planktons can only be viewed with the help of powerful microscope although some larger animals that include jellyfish, shrimps fall in this category by virtue of their floating lifestyle (Ocean News, 2013). In addition to this, most plankton are able to make slight vertical movements along the water column, although some are unable to do anything but only be carried passively by the water current. PLANT PLANKTON (PHYTOPLANKTON) Phytoplankton or plant plankton carries out three major roles that are crucial to general life on earth. These include i. Provision of close to 50% oxygen found on earth’s atmosphere ii. Regulation of carbon dioxide levels within the water and in the atmosphere iii. They occupy the primary level of the aquatic food webs Microscopic algae are the most common phytoplankton. The amoun t and distribution of planktons depends much on the amount of light, availability of nutrients and the steadiness of water layers. For instance, the region around New Zealand experiences the springtime bloom in which case phytoplankton algae extensively cover the surface of water bodies. Such is the case that during this period the temperature is high, sunlight hours increase while nutrients are readily available. This comes following the stirring of storms and the winter cooling. Under such conditions, the phytoplankton undergoes a rapid growth and reproduction (Boney, 1975). In fact, it is said that the reproduction process doubles with each new day, a situation that sometimes escalate to reach nuisance proportions (Bolli, Saunders & Nielsen 1985). At its peak growth, the toxicity level increases and the oxygen in water reduce and at its worst, it is depleted. However, the phytoplankton often depletes their nutrients prior to this. The phytoplankton population is controlled by the grazing Zooplankton. The three major phytoplankton types include: i) Diatoms: This is formed of single cells that are covered within cases of silica (glass). Each of this case comprises two interlocking parts and fine holes that allow nutrients in and waste to move out. These organisms, that also form the photosynthetic group, live mostly in the ocean, and only a small group inhabiting fresh water. ii) Dinoflagellates: The name is derived from the two whip-like extensions (flagella) used to make forward movement. This group takes in the predatory species as well as the photosynthetic members (Tomas, & Hasle, 1997). Red tide is a term used when referring to masses of red-brown dinoflagellates found clustering in surface water bodies. iii) Desmids: These represent the freshwater photo-synthesizers, which are closely associated with green seaweeds. They bear a resemblance to little miniature barbells or green cylinders and are mostly found in rivers and lakes. ANIMAL PLANKTON (ZOOPLAN KTON) The Zooplankton serves as a bridge between the plant plankton, which are food producers, and the larger sea animals. Size has been found to play a major role when it comes to the survival in the sea, with the larger sized planktons getting an advantage over the small sized. Here, the single –celled animal plankton feed on plant plankton or even sometimes ingest one another (Plankton.1976). The larger or multi celled zooplanktons such as crustaceans, jelly fish and arrow

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Education Systems Essay Example for Free

The Education Systems Essay Pre-school and pre-primary education in Lithuania, in the United Kingdom and in the USA have several things in common.. First, both education systems are available in three countries and also pre-school education is not compulsory. There are public and private pre-schools in three countries. Public pre-schools are those which are run by the government. Private pre-schools are those which are run by private organizations, for which parents have to pay fees. Many private pre-schools have a high reputation and parents send their children there so that they will have advantages later in life. There are nursery schools for children from the age of 1 to 3 years in Lithuania. Children from the age of 3 till 6 attend a kindergarten. The number of children in nursery schools is approximately 10 children and approximately 15 children in a kindergarten, whereas the number of children in the USA and in Great Britain is approximately 2-3 little children or 4-5 bigger children plus nursery-governor’s help. Another difference is about security in pre-school institutions. People who come in a kindergarten or nursery school are not registered. By contrast, people who come in a nursery school or a kindergarten are strictly registered in the USA and in Great Britain. Your driving licence or passport is taken and you get permission to be in a pre-school institution. The kindergartens and nursery schools in Lithuania also differs in their cost compared to cost of these pre-schools institutions in the United Kingdom and in the Usa because it is cheaper to let your children to Lithuanian kindergarten than to American or English kindergarten. Differently from Lithuania children under 5 receive pre-school education in Great Britain. Some go to playgroups several times a week and take part in structured play (play with some educational purpose) with other children of the same age. Others go to a nursery school or to the nursery department or kindergarten of a school. Children attend day nurseries until they are 6 months old the same as in Lithuania. Day nurseries take care of children activity, self-expression, security. Nursery-governors take care of children education and upbringing. The emphasis is on group work, creative activity and guided play. Day nurseries are divided into private and community. Fees in the communities are not so big as in the day nurseries. Some of the community nurseries give parents discounts according to their financial position. The working time is very different in day nurseries of Great Britain, for example, local authority pre-schools work until 15 a. m. The other pre-school institutions work from 7 till 19. All kindergartens work all year except public holidays in Great Britain meanwhile not all kindergartens work all year in Lithuania. In the same way, children attend nursery schools, day care or pre-school from an early age in the USA. Children are taught, trained in the nursery schools and in the kindergartens. Nursery-governors play with children. There are some requirements in order that your child would be inducted to kindergarten, for example, it is required children to be toilet trained and your child is not ready for the potty, they may not let him or her attend a kindergarten, but children are not required to be toilet trained in Lithuania. In the USA parents may also have to pay high fees for late pickups and end up having to stay home with their child if the pre-school says she or he is too sick to be there. Another difference is that parents can freely choose which nursery school or kindergarten their child is going to attend in Lithuania, but in the USA all children should go to nursery school or kindergarten according to their living place because there are brought under districts. All children go according to district which he or she belongs to. If parents think that their district’s nursery school or kindergarten is not as good as it should be, parents must change the living place in order that their children could go to a better pre-school institution. Pre-primary education content is similar in three countries. There a wide variety of fun activities – including singing, dancing, arts and crafts, storytelling, free play, and both indoor and outdoor games and projects – designed to teach children different skills. Cildren may also learn some academic basics such as counting and the alphabet. Children in Lithuania start to attend pre-primary institution at the age of 6, but if parents want and their child is grown enough pre-primary institution can be attend at the age of 5, while the majority of children start to attend pre-primary preparation lessons at the age of 2-5 in the United Kingdom. Also the government’s programme which is named â€Å"sureStart† gives the possibility to all children from the age of 3 to 4 to get pre-primary lessons free of charge in a kindergarten. Differently from Lithuania children at the age of 6 start to attend a school in the USA. Taking everything into account, I can note that pre-school and pre-primary education has several things in common in The United Kingdom, in the USA, and in the Lithuania, but on the other hand there are a lot of differencies.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Wireless Sensor Networks for Disaster Management

Wireless Sensor Networks for Disaster Management Abstract The world we are living is an event for disasters daily. Some of the disasters are naturally occurring and some occurring due to man-made catastrophes. So not only nature but also human beings are equally responsible for the happenings of these disasters. With the developments in the technologies it is very much possible to find a way to tackle these disasters. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) can be used in the developments of disaster management. Hence there is a need for development of a system for the disaster control and management. Also, keeping in mind about developing a structure which is efficient in terms of functioning and the costing. With this paper, we attempt to present some literature study and methodology used by other authors and find the pros and cons in their study. Also, we try to formulate an analysis of the proposed studies. Keywords- Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), Disaster management. Introduction With the advancements in the WSNs it is possible now to detect and monitor various parameters in our surroundings. The sensors in a networks help us to monitor and keep track on the various paramenters. These parameters include temperature for fire detection, flow mesurement for detection of floods, Global Positioning System (GPS) for location trackink to name a few. With the monitoring of these parameters we can detect any disaster and with the network implementation we can be able broadcast the information. The broadcasting of information would help to reach many people and will alert the people, so that they can move to a safer place. In this paper we will be discussing about the iplementation done in the field of disaster management and would be focussing on the various aspects of the WSNs. The architecture details, componets used, networks used are some of the things to be discussed. Other than WSN, the use of Ad-hoc relay station, mobile communication, base station functions, c ell and cluster functions are also being discussed. The implementation of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) in a system has been done by many researchers over the years and there are various techniques of implementing them. Development and updating of technologies has made this even more possible. A.S Bhosle et al.[1]ÂÂ   presented classification of various sensors depending upon its function and about the different types of WSN protocols. The network consists of wireless sensor nodes, sink nodes, base stations, a gateway for information transferring, a backbone network and an observer at the output side. The WSN protocols are responsible for the communication between a sensor and the network devices in a network. The sensors can be classified based on their physical properties. These include the flow, positioning, temperature, pressure, acceleration etc. D.V Kishore et al. [2] discussed about the problems of disasters occurring at a mine or excavation location. The main concern in the article was about the blasts occurring in the mi nes and the consequences of that being an increase amount of air pollution, noise pollution and an increase in the chances of accidents in the mine area. They provided a hardware architecture using the traditional electronic components and with the help of that demonstrated the ways of tackling a mishap. S.Saha et al. [3]ÂÂ   proposed an architecture which was based on mobile communication network. The use of mobile communication concepts like cluster, cell, base station and frequency usage was discussed within the architecture. S. Rasaneh et al. [4] proposed an energy resourceful model and implementing the model with an additional communication network would make it more efficient. The model implementation included a hybrid network and a multi hop routing technique for the efficient energy usage. Also, the model implementation included deployment of sensors in various types of environments and depending upon that the sensing operations can be performed. With the use of multi-h op there will be less chances of signal loss or distortions. Thus, in this way the model can become more efficient. S.M. George et al. [5] proposed a Distress network for disaster management and the system architecture consists of 3 components; a Body Net, Sense Net, Vehicle Net Area Net. Body Net is a body worn WSN device which is used to keep a continuous track on the various aspects of a person like heartbeat, blood pressure, location etc. Sense Net is used for sensing the data and is mainly used keeping track of the monitored data. Vehicle Net is responsible for the detection of any disaster is also responsible for the transmission of information. Area Net is used for carrying large volumes of data and as it supports large bandwidth so that helps in sending images, videos and audio data. Kaur, Harminder et al. [6] proposed an architecture consisting of a cluster, an Ad-hoc network, base station, antenna and a satellite. Using these components an efficient disaster can be create d. The architecture works on the principle of multi hopping. After the literature analysis of various articles, we now focus on the methods used in the implementation part of the article. A.S Bhosleet al. [1] in his proposed model demonstrated a disaster about when fire breaks out. Consider in a network, there is a fire exposed area there are more than one sensors to sense the fire, these sensors can for example: thermistor, RTD, thermocouple etc. The wireless sensor node detects the fire and searches for the nearest sink node, then the sink node verifies the collected data with its predefined threshold value. If the threshold value is less than the received data, then a warning signal is send to the end user via base station and the backbone network. If the threshold is greater than received data, then an emergency message is send to the end user via base station and backbone network. D.V Kishore et al. [2] proposed a hardware architecture which had a transmitter and a receiver section. The sensors collected the sensed data as per their prop erty, the various sensors deployed were gas sensor, light sensor, temperature sensor and vibration sensors. The sensed value is converted to digital form by the analogue to digital converter and then is given to the multiplexer, the multiplexer then encodes all the sensed values and sends them to the transmitter and then the transmitter antenna transmits these values to the receiver section. The receiver antenna receives the transmitted values and these values are send to the de-multiplexer. The de-multiplexer then decodes the values and sends them to the microcontroller. The microcontroller then sends the decoded values to the output devices and we can see the output. S.Saha et al. [3] in proposed a heterogenous hybrid model of a network and sensors. The focus was providing a better network coverage and to limit the usage of Ad-hoc relay station (ARS). This was achieved by simply placing the ARS at the edges of the cell and with that the ARS was shared by multiple cells. Sensors no des were placed in a cell to sense various parameters like temperature, vibrations, location, light intensity etc. In a disaster situation, the sensor nodes help in detection of the survivors. After detection, the information is passed to the mobile communication network and the ARS and the base station are responsible for the effective communication between the network.ÂÂ   S. Rasaneh et al. [4] proposed a structure using a simple cluster model of a communication network consisting of sensor nodes, head nodes, second level head nodes and base station. The sensor nodes are used to sense different functions accordingly; these are seismic vibrations for earthquake, temperature for fire, flow measurement for floods, weather sensors for humidity etc. In a disaster situation, the sensor nodes in a cluster firstly sense the various parameters as per their individual sensor properties and then send the collected data to the second level cluster head and then a cluster head receives al l the data from other second level cluster heads from every cluster. Then, the base station receives all the data from the cluster heads. The data is send from a second level cluster to the cluster head to have an efficient data flow without any signal losses. This structure uses the multi-hop technique so that data can transmission can be done efficiently. Kaur, Harminer et al. [6] proposed an architecture involving usage of a mobile network, radio and satellite communication. During any disaster, the sink nodes collects data from the local sensors and ARS. The data is then collected by the base station with the help of the sink nodes in the network. The base station sends the data to the antenna and the antenna broadcasts the signals to the satellite. The satellite then sends the warning about the disaster to the local hospitals and the ambulance. There are various gaps in the above discussed articles. We cannot be relying on an architecture that is a hardware based as within any kind of disaster it cannot be accurate and depending upon the intensity and how powerful the disaster is the hardware with not withstand and would surely be damaged. Also about the deployment of ARS in the edges of cell, then the signal handling capacity of the ARS gets affected and this produces latency in the network. This affects the performance of the architecture. In the fire disaster system, the distance between the cluster and the operating network is very large and if there is any latency introduced in the network, then it would be very late for the signaling about the disaster. With the developments in the field of Wireless Sensor networks we can surely be opting on trying and formulating new ways to find solution to these problems. Also with the ongoing problems in terms of disasters there is a need to do to. After the study, there are still many developments that can be done in many aspects of the architecture, technology used and the components used. The focus must be on trying new developments and if possible go to find the solutions of the current problems related with the disaster management. WSN can help in predetermining of the any disaster and we can then alert everybody about it. References [1]A. S. Bhosle and L. M. Gavhane, Forest disaster management with wireless sensor network, in 2016 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT), 2016, pp. 287-289. [2]D. V. Kishore, D. V. Gowda, Shivashankar, and S. Mehta, MANET topology for disaster management using wireless sensor network, in 2016 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP), 2016, pp. 0736-0740. [3]S. Saha and M. Matsumoto, A Wireless Sensor Network Protocol for Disaster Management, in 2007 Information, Decision and Control, 2007, pp. 209-213. [4]S. Rasaneh and T. Banirostam, A New Structure and Routing Algorithm for Optimizing Energy Consumption in Wireless Sensor Network for Disaster Management, in 2013 4th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and Simulation, 2013, pp. 481-485. [5]S. M. George, W. Zhou, H. Chenji, M. Won, Y. O. Lee, A. Pazarloglou, et al., DistressNet: a wireless ad hoc and sensor network architecture for situation management in disaster response, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 48, pp. 128-136, 2010. [6]H. Kaur, R. S. Sawhney, and N. Komal, Wireless sensor networks for disaster management, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering Technology, vol. 1, pp. 129-134, 2012.

Assessing The Ethnic Inequality In Canada Sociology Essay

Assessing The Ethnic Inequality In Canada Sociology Essay Inequality, whether racial, ethnic, economic, political or social is a great concern everywhere in the world. This is because research has shown that inequality can lead to poverty and creation of social classes within a society. This theory was expounded by Karl Max in his Communist Manifesto in which he argued that the owners of the means of production, capitalists, exploit the poor or proletariats and accumulate wealth often leading to a class society. This paper summarizes the findings of a 2007 study, titled Ethnic Inequality in Canada: Economic and Health Dimensions, which was done by Ellen M. Gee, Karen M.Kobayashi and Steven G. Prus, and is available in the Canadian Journal of sociology. Other works will also be reviewed to secure a satisfactory understanding of the subject. Introduction Immigration into Canada totally changed the racial diversity of the Canadian population. In their study, Gee et al. (2007) noted that since the beginning of European immigration and settlements, the Canadian society has been ordered based on racial and ethnic dimensions. Ethnicity has occupied a central position in Canadians rising inequality (p.3). John Porter first studied this subject in 1965 and found that entry into the Canadian elite class was racially ranked and determined by income, ethnic prestige, and occupations. His findings found that, British-Canadians topped the group, French-Canadians took second position, and other European-Canadians were third while Blacks and Aboriginals-visible minorities occupied the bottom strata. Despite rapid changes in policy, regarding ethnic and racial discrimination and Canadas economic progress, aspects of ethnic inequality exist in Canada. Gee et al. (2007) examined ethnic inequalities in Canada now (their time of study being 2007). I summarize their findings on four key issues, namely; Economic Inequalities (income and occupations), Employment and home ownership, Health Inequality and the aspect of perceptions on discrimination and prejudice. Economic Inequalities Empirical examples show that, substantial and convincing studies have been done on ethnically or racially based economic inequalities in Canada. Well-studied areas on this subject include income disparities and inequality in occupations. Gee et al. (2007) summarized the various studies done on this subject. (Reitz and Banerjee 2007) concluded that visible minorities in Canada have higher poverty rates and lower comparable incomes than ethnic Canadians of European origin. Gee et al. (2007) noted that recent studies on ethnic/racial orientations of income inequalities show that, household incomes of Aboriginals and visible minorities are usually low than those of Canadians with a European Origin. This is despite the fact that such studies have been conducted by different researchers at different times and applying different racial classifications and control variables. They further noted that racial disparities in the household incomes of European-Canadians have nearly minimized. Additionally, they also found indications showing that Canadians of southern European origin earn lower incomes than Canadians of British origin, while Canadians of French Origin earned much far better (p.14). On occupations, (Nakhaie 1997 as quoted in Gee et al. 2007: 16) found that British-Canadians continue leading the class of Canadian elites, despite the fact that Canadians of other origins have made efforts to join the elite class over the years. Gee et al. (2007) also noted that the correlation between ethnicity/racism and occupation could be studied in two different ways. One way is by establishing whether certain ethnic groups are concentrated in specific occupations (based on division of labor). The other alternative is evaluating the position of racial groups in the Hierarchy or strata of prestigious occupations (p.17). Applying the first dimension, and using the male gender, studies showed that Aboriginals dominate the construction and building industries representing more than double of the Canadian male populations. They are extremely underrepresented in administrative and management occupations. Their women counterparts are represented in service jobs. They therefore conclud ed that, the Canadian labor force is more gendered than ethnically based. In terms of prestige of occupations, Jewish, British and Chinese Canadians top the hierarchy. Blacks, Greeks, Aboriginals and Portuguese Canadians occupy the lower strata in that order. In the case of the female gender, the picture does not change. In this case, ethnicity and racism outweighs gender (p.17). Employment and Home Ownership Li 2000 as quoted in Reitz and Banerjee (2007: 6) noted that the main economic problem that ethnic minority immigrants face in Canada is securing sufficient employment. This is associated with amicable reasons like, the entry effect-related to immigration problems and adjusting to the new environment (urban settlement), academic qualifications and racism. Ethnic minority immigrants experience more impediments than immigrants of European-origin (Reitz and Banerjee 2007: 6) Gee et al. (2007) asserted that findings show that in terms of home ownership, the picture is no different. It reflects the same strata as it is observed in household income levels and occupations. Osberg (2008: 33) noted that, despite the fact that much literature has ignored the role of interest rates, wealth distribution, and household incomes of the wealthy and focused on earning trends, Canada now has much information on economic and other social inequalities and broad conclusions are apparent. He concludes that data shows an increase in economic inequality in Canada today. Health Inequalities Better health care is one of the basic needs that all human beings aspire to get any ware in the world. Low household incomes are frequently linked with poor health. Despite intensified research and studies on health inequality in Canada, little attention has been directed at ethno-cultural disparities on health. Gee et al (2007) looked at both heath care access and health status. However much of the literature that they examined did not show a direct correlation between ethnicity and health status. In some instances data showed that, some recent immigrants, irregardless of race or ethnic group had better health than their Canadian-born counterparts. This healthy immigrant effect was however associated with the health requirements in the Canadian immigration act that locked out immigrants with chronic health conditions. Their studies concluded that Canadians whose mother tongue is non-English or non-French are economically disadvantaged. Recent visible immigrants are typically disadvantaged. Their analysis also found significant disparities in health status and utilization depending on country of immigrant and language. The health status of recent Immigrants declines as their years of stay in Canada increase. This is because they hardly report for medical checkups, due to the fear discriminat ion, prejudice, and low household incomes. Perceptions of Discrimination and Prejudice: A Barrier to Social Cohesion Ethnic and racial inequality might be less decisive if it is because of circumstances amicable to the visible minority, such as status of new immigrants, language differences, or academic and technical training not compliant with Canadian requirements. In other words, inequality would not be a threat to social cohesion if it were viewed as legitimate. The feeling of discrimination, prejudice and racism is another issue all together (Reitz and Banerjee 2007: 8). A 2002 Ethnic Diversity Survey, which sought to get views of individual experiences of ethnic and racial discrimination, showed that 35.9% of all the respondents consisting visible minorities reported cases of discrimination and prejudice compared with 10.6% of all Whites who responded to the Survey, of the visible minorities, blacks recorded the highest rate at 49.6%. (p. 8:9). The Visible minorities also reported incidences of perceived discrimination of their ethnic group. Despite improving economic status of immigrants as they cope up with Canadian environment and society an ethnic divide in perceptions of racial discrimination is eminent among immigrants with longer stay and experience in Canada. (p.9), this is even persistence among children. Cases of non-recognition of immigrant qualifications also abound, despite in some cases being equivalent to those of native Canadians. Failure to recognize foreign qualifications and experience are some of the barriers that visible minorities come across as they seek employment. Racial discrimination is viewed with skepticism in Canada, but the mutual covenant is that it exists and cannot be ignored. It is true that one of the effects of racial discrimination of minorities is its impact on the social cohesion of the Canadian society. Social cohesion generally means the capacity of a society to formulate, implement and adhere to policies that guide it. Lack of it may lead to conflicts and civil disorders as it happened in France and the United Kingdom. Other effects may be failure of a group to participate in making decisions and sometimes withdrawing its support for certain decisions or societal policies. Integrating ethnic minorities is an important issue in Canada. Social integration and social cohesion are mutually exclusive and cannot be separated. Proper social integration of minority ethnic groups in Canada is a sine qua non for a peaceful and prosperous society that is viewed by its occupants as a means to the achievement of their needs. This will strengthen the Canadian society; raise the spirit of inclusiveness, civic and voluntary participation in activities concerning human life. Conclusion Inequality is a social evil; no society is a friend to it. The above revelations reveal that forms of inequality based on ethnic considerations exist in Canada irregardless of how minute they are. This is a big concern to racial minorities. It is not only a challenge to the racial group that experience it, but also to the completely Canadian society in terms of forging a peaceful and an all inclusive society acceptable to all. The process of socially integrating ethnic minorities into Canadian society is often slower than that of European immigrants. This is often associated with their feeling of exclusion and perceived discrimination. Of emphasis is that economic integration should match social integration, none should supersede the other. Existing Canadian policies and legal structures are laudable against racial discrimination and economic inequality. This is possibly due to international conventions and pressure to eliminate global racism and ethnicity, but it is not clear whether they are sufficient in addressing the issues that affect minority ethnic groups in Canada. However, may consent is that ethnic prejudice and discrimination is a social construction that can only be changed by the subconscious minds of individuals-the way we think and see others. We should all join hands and fight ethnic inequality. We should judge others by their competence and content of their minds rather than the pigmentation of their skin. There shall be no solution to this race problem until, you yourselves, strike the blow for liberty-Marcus Garvey

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Criticism of Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray Essay -- Picture

Criticism of Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, written by Oscar Wilde originally appeared in Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine in 1890.   It was then published in 1891, in book form, containing six additional chapters with revisions. The first reviews of Dorian Gray were mostly unfavorable.   It was condemned for its speculative treatment   of immoral or at least uncomfortable subjects. A review in the St. James’s Gazette by Samuel Henry Jeyes, journalist and biographer was titled "‘A Study in Puppydom."  Ã‚   Jeyes refers to Wilde’s idle, â€Å"effeminate† characters in the book and writes: â€Å"The puppies appear to fill up the intervals of talk by plucking daisies and playing with them, and sometimes drinking ‘something with strawberry in it" (Beckson 69).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   An unsigned review in Athenaeum, called the book â€Å"unmanly, sickening, vicious (although not exactly what is called ‘improper’), and tedious.† (Beckson   82) Charles Whibley, journalist and writer for the Scots Observer, wrote that "Mr. Oscar Wilde has again been writing stuff that were better unwritten" and went on with " is false to human nature-for its hero is a devil; it is false to morality-for it is not made sufficiently clear that the writer does not prefer a course of unnatural iniquity to a life of cleanliness, health, and sanity."   He ends the article by saying ‘...he can write for none but outlawed noblemen and perverted telegraph boys, the sooner he takes to tailoring (or some other decent trade) the better for his own reputation and the public morals" (Beckson 75).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Wilde replied to these damaging attacks and told an acquaintance after these first reviews that the story would be "...... ...ver reached, which supersedes that earlier didactic purpose, and makes the quite sufficing interest of an excellent story."’   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   He concludes by saying "We need only emphasize, once more, the skill,   the   real subtlety of art, the ease and fluidity withal of one telling a story by word of mouth, with which the consciousness of the supernatural is introduced   into, and maintained amid, the elaborately conventional,   sophisticated,   disabused world Mr. Wilde depicts so cleverly, so mercilessly"(Beckson 83-6).   In conclusion, it became apparent with reading the reviews of The Picture of Dorian Gray that the critics seemed to be reviewing the author instead of the book.   BIBLIOGRAPHY      Beckson, Karl.   Oscar Wilde. New York, Barnes & Noble, 1970.   Gagnier, Regenia.   Idylls of the Marketplace. Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1986. Criticism of Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray Essay -- Picture Criticism of Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, written by Oscar Wilde originally appeared in Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine in 1890.   It was then published in 1891, in book form, containing six additional chapters with revisions. The first reviews of Dorian Gray were mostly unfavorable.   It was condemned for its speculative treatment   of immoral or at least uncomfortable subjects. A review in the St. James’s Gazette by Samuel Henry Jeyes, journalist and biographer was titled "‘A Study in Puppydom."  Ã‚   Jeyes refers to Wilde’s idle, â€Å"effeminate† characters in the book and writes: â€Å"The puppies appear to fill up the intervals of talk by plucking daisies and playing with them, and sometimes drinking ‘something with strawberry in it" (Beckson 69).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   An unsigned review in Athenaeum, called the book â€Å"unmanly, sickening, vicious (although not exactly what is called ‘improper’), and tedious.† (Beckson   82) Charles Whibley, journalist and writer for the Scots Observer, wrote that "Mr. Oscar Wilde has again been writing stuff that were better unwritten" and went on with " is false to human nature-for its hero is a devil; it is false to morality-for it is not made sufficiently clear that the writer does not prefer a course of unnatural iniquity to a life of cleanliness, health, and sanity."   He ends the article by saying ‘...he can write for none but outlawed noblemen and perverted telegraph boys, the sooner he takes to tailoring (or some other decent trade) the better for his own reputation and the public morals" (Beckson 75).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Wilde replied to these damaging attacks and told an acquaintance after these first reviews that the story would be "...... ...ver reached, which supersedes that earlier didactic purpose, and makes the quite sufficing interest of an excellent story."’   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   He concludes by saying "We need only emphasize, once more, the skill,   the   real subtlety of art, the ease and fluidity withal of one telling a story by word of mouth, with which the consciousness of the supernatural is introduced   into, and maintained amid, the elaborately conventional,   sophisticated,   disabused world Mr. Wilde depicts so cleverly, so mercilessly"(Beckson 83-6).   In conclusion, it became apparent with reading the reviews of The Picture of Dorian Gray that the critics seemed to be reviewing the author instead of the book.   BIBLIOGRAPHY      Beckson, Karl.   Oscar Wilde. New York, Barnes & Noble, 1970.   Gagnier, Regenia.   Idylls of the Marketplace. Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1986.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Comparing Like Water for Chocolate and One Day in the Life of Ivan Deni

Like Water for Chocolate and One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich    Like Water for Chocolate (LWC) written by Laura Esquivel and One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (ODLID) written by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, are two very different types of novels with more evident discrepancies than similarities. The first novel LWC, splendidly illustrates the life of a young Mexican campesina named Tita whom lives under the authoritarian rule of her mother. The second novel ODLID, originally a Russian publication, demonstrates the life and hardships of a middle-aged man named Ivan Denisovich in a Soviet work camp in Siberia. The themes revolve around both protagonists, Tita and Ivan, whom each set the overall tone of the novels. The dominant theme in both novels is the oppression the protagonists are exposed to on a daily basis. Consequently, the characters and the plots also incorporate aspects of oppression such as parental censorship and personal ill treatment. The characters, theme, and plots correlate with one another and also are associated with the cultural background of each novel, ODLID from Russia and LWC from Mexico. The influence culture has on the development of the characters, theme, and plots sets the stage for apparent similarities and differences between both novels.    The primary examples of cultural influences in LWC and in ODLID, are the mindsets of the protagonists. The cultures influence the rather listless conduct of the protagonists by establishing precincts that cripple their inner aspirations. Initially, Tita's conduct is influenced by the Mexican culture. She demonstrates a submissive behavior towards her mother. This is explained by Mexican culture of the early nineteen ... influences. In LWC, the Mexican culture plays huge role in the novel introducing the reader to a unique lifestyle packed with cooking, love affairs, attractive dramas, and oppressed dreams. In ODLID, the Russian culture also flavors the novel by creating a very vapid and listless stage on which Ivan Denisovich's daily routine is delineated as realistic as possible. It would be tedious to point out all the ways, in which culture influences each novel, but it is important to take into account the prominent role culture plays in the formation of the individual novels. Like Water for Chocolate (LWC) written by Laura Esquivel and One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (ODLID) written by Alexander Solzhenitsyn do not only exemplify great pieces of literature, instead they also serve as tools to map out and comprehend the cultures they were built upon.   

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The World Is Not Enough Essay -- essays research papers

"The World Is Not Enough" is a great action-adventure movie with exciting stunt scenes, exotic locations, beautiful women and traditional Bond one-liners. Pierce Brosnan carries on the role of the world’s most famous secret agent, James Bond in which was established by Sean Connery in 1962’s "Doctor No". Since it is also the 19th installment to the longest running film series in history, comparing this one to the older movies is like comparing one athlete to another. But hey, I guess that’s the fun of it all.To get more in depth of the film, let’s see if the traditional Bond trademarks live up to their roles.1. Bond†¦James Bond. Pierce Brosnan, in his third appearance as agent 007, has become comfortable in his role and plays it with confidence. He’s now more understanding and has added a more sensitive side, but also a harder side to the role that Sean Connery had as Bond and what Timothy Dalton attempted to achieve. For example, in the scene between Bond and "M", "M" tells Bond the story behind the kidnapping of King’s daughter, Elektra and the reasons for why MI6 was involved. The example of the harder side is near the end when Bond confronts Elektra for the last time and orders her to call off Renard from carrying out his plans. She doesn’t do so; therefore, Bond shoots her in the chest and killing her. Some may argue that this is something that James Bond shouldn’t do since Elektra was unarmed, but I beg to differ because that is part of the mission. In 1971’s "Diamonds Are Forever" Connery’s Bond slapped Tiffany Case (played by Jill St. John) across the face to get her to tell him information.2. Who would ever thought that "Q", the inventor of all of James Bond’s gadgets is retiring. Desmond Llewelyn has played the character in all the Bond films for the exception of "Doctor No" in 1962 and "Live and Let Die" in 1973. After demonstrating his lasted invention to 007, Llewelyn drops out of sight by a sinking platform. I guess that was his way of saying goodbye.3. Well, who could replace "Q"? John Cleese makes his debut to the series as "R", the replacement for "Q". Although "R" is very precise, he doesn’t use the correct terms for his inventions like "Q" did.4. Judi Dench is also back as Bond’s boss and head of the Bri...". I enjoyed watching the stunts that were in the film. The boat scene during the opening sequence was fantastic and reminding James Bond fans of the boat scenes of in "From Russia with Love", "Live and Let Die" and "Moonraker". The ski chase reminded me of "On Her Majesty’s Secret Service" when James Bond and Traci Draco were skiing for their lives down the Swiss Mountains. I liked the way the writers added the title of the movie into the script. When Elektra tells Bond that she could have given him the world, Bond responds, "The world is not enough" then he says that it’s a "family motto". Bond was referring to his family coat of arms that was translated to him in the 1969 movie "On Her Majesty’s Secret Service". And finally the music scores. David Arnold, who was the composer for "Tomorrow Never Dies" comes back again with an excellent sounds and adding a techno or a retro theme to James Bond. "The World Is Not Enough" is rated PG-13 for intense sequences of action violence, some sexuality, sexual innuendo and old school elements for true James Bond fans. Running time 128 minutes.

History of HTML Essay

HTML or HyperText Markup Language is the predominant and most currently most popular language for creating web pages. It is a well-designed language to describe the structure of text-based information in a document by using certain tags referred to as HTML tags and using certain text links, heads, paragraphs, tables, lists and headings. While HTML is written in the form of tags, surrounded by angle brackets. HTML can also describe, to some degree, the appearance and semantics of a document, and can include embedded forms, and other scripting language codes, which can affect the behavior of Web browsers and other HTML processors. It is assumed that what made this language a very popular web development language is its English-like characteristic which makes it relatively easy to comprehend, and memorize the tags as compared to most other languages. It was in the late 1980’s, when the physicist Tim Berners-Lee, who was an independent contractor at CERN, proposed and prototyped ENQUIRE, a system for CERN researchers to use and share documents. In 1989, Berners-Lee and CERN Robert Cailliau, a data systems engineer from CERN, each submitted separate proposals for an Internet-based hypertext system providing similar functionality. The following year, they collaborated on a joint proposal, the Worldwide Web (W3) project; this proposal was accepted by CERN and as of now, and the project continued to grow from the day that it was developed, and continuous to grow up until present. In the advent of the interne and in the continuous increase in its popularity, came parallel the advent of the web-development language HTML. Although it has already been an accepted and established concept in the field of academics as early as the 1940s. It was with the advent of he personal computer that hypertext came into popularity. Bill Atkinson came up with the astounding idea in the late 1980s. It was then the he and his team developed Hypercard, an application for the Macintosh Operating System. Hypercard allows users to construct a series of on-screen `filing cards’ that would be able to contain text and graphics. Users can also navigate through these filing cards by pressing on-screen buttons, which were designed for simple and plain navigation. Hypercard easily became popular and was integrated on many other applications. Toolbox, for Personal Computers was developed and popularized in the 1990s for hypertext training courses. These courses came up with a more advanced navigation system wherein viewers or users were able to view pages with buttons which can help them navigate forward or backward or jump to a topic. Hypercard and its co-programs easily became popularized, however they were still held back by certain limitations. The major limitation was that hypertext jumps were only allowed to be made to files on the same computer. Hypertext umps to computers on other countries or on the other side of the world were still not possible. Hypertext communication was still on the local scale and not available in the global scale. It the increasing demands for global scale hypertext communication that the HTML came into advent. HTML has had a development-span of roughly seven years. During that time, it has evolved from a simple language with a small number of tags to a complex system of mark-up tags, enabling authors to create visually stunning web pages complete with sound and animation. Basically, the language developed from HTML+, HTML 2, HTML 3. 2, HTML 4. And finally HTML 5, which was released in 2008. A document called â€Å"HTML Tags†, was the first publicly available description of the HTML. This was known to public by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991. It describes 22 elements comprising the initial, relatively simple design of HTML, thirteen of these elements still exist up to HTML 4. At that time, Berners-Lee considered HTML to be an application of Standard Generalized Markup Language or SGML. However, it was not formally announced until the mid-1993 publication, by the IETF, of the first proposal for an HTML specification. Berners-Lee and Dan Connolly’s made an internet draft, â€Å"Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)†. This included an SGML document type definition to define the grammar. The HTML and HTML+ drafts expires in 1994, and that was when IETF created an HTML Working Group, which in 1995 completed â€Å"HTML 2. 0†, the first HTML specification intended to be treated as a standard against which future implementations should be based. HTML 2. 0 included ideas from the HTML and HTML+ drafts. HTML 2. 0 became the standard for website design until the year 1997. By then, more people were using HTML, and while the previous standards offered some decent abilities, people thirsted for more abilities and tags as to be able to better enhance the appearance of their websites. At this time, a HTML working group, led by Dave Raggett introduced HTML 3. 0. It included many new and improved abilities for HTML, and promised far more powerful opportunities to HTML users. HTML 4. 0 was recommended by W3C in 1997 and became the official standard in April 1998. Browser support was undertaken surprisingly earnestly by Microsoft in their Internet Explorer browser HTML 4. 0 was a large evolution of the HTML standards, and the last version of the classic HTML. At present, the newest version of the HTML is HTML 5. 0. It was published as a working draft by W3C last January 22, 2008, and includes major revisions in the core language of the World Wide Web, HTML. In this version, new features, elements and functionalities had been introduced to aid web developers to further improve the appearance and back-end structure of websites.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Cop Out

etiolate weewee Rafting set out Recommendation Christopher Davis, Liquita James, and Susan Williams ACC/543 disdainful 13, 2012 Linda Miller White piddle Rafting Site Recommendation White water rafting is a juvenile sport that has gained popularity in new-fangled years. Because of this popularity the sinlessness water rafting line of merchandise has expanded. Our knob is interested in opening a white water rafting care. The thickening has common chord states in which they be interested in atomic number 13, atomic number 31, and Virginia.The lymph gland has requested that the accounting watertight question to see which kettle of fish would be beaver for their new rafting concern. Research essential be done of the legal ramifications of material seat, in the flesh(predicate) property, business restitution and environmental issues and regulations for separately location in order to make the right recommendation. Real attribute and in the flesh(predicate) billet Real Property is the land itself and any somaing, trees, soil, minerals, timbers, plants, and other things for good affixed to the land. write down and buildings atomic number 18 purchased and the owner whitethorn use, enjoy, and develop the property as he or she sees fit, subject to any applicable government regulation. Buildings that are constructed on the property are also square property. Personal property is tangible property such as equipment, fomites, furniture, and jewelry, as well as intangible property such as securities, patents, trademarks, and copyrights. Determining if a lively base c darkin nail be used for the contribution on the new location is alpha to the client. then we would fatality to know in each location if the roving domicil is considered documentary property or individualised property. In Toccoa Georgia substantial property fecal matter be purchased for well-nigh $150,000 for 2. 2 realm on the Toccoa River. Placing a mobile spot o n this land for the office would be considered real property in Georgia as long as the mobile scale is titled to the same troupe that owns the land. The mobile habitation must be tied down and blocked in to be considered for commercial use.In Cahaba River City push-down stack Brook, Alabama the revenue enhancement assessing official makes the distinction among real property and personal property by considering the manner in which property is attached to or secured at the location and the purpose for which the property is used. intangible asset personal property includes an owners representation of rights to property such as shares of stock, annuities, patents, securities industry certificates, etc. Intangible personal property owned by businesses is not taxable under the property tax laws of this state. assembly line personal property is considered Class II property and is taxed at 20% of market value. Market value multiplied by twenty percent equals the assessment value, which is because multiplied by the appropriate jurisdictions millage place to determine the numerate of tax due. The State of Alabama publishes a personal property approximation manual so that basic methods and procedures can be followed in the personal property appraisal process (Personal Property, 2012). Land in Birmingham, Alabama is roughly around 45,000 an acre.Rappahannock River in Fredericksburg Virginia is a combination of countrified and urban life. The river is located off a major(ip) highwayleading northeast contendd and south of the champaign. Its it also located betweenthe capital Washington, D. C. and the capital of the state, Richmond. Its a groovy area for relaxing and family witha orbit feel. There are major tourists websites such aswar battlefields,art galleries and antique shops. The mobile home issue as an office would be considered real property in Virginia.Once the home or office t is off the truck and secured on the ground it is considered real pro perty. Lots run from $120,000 up to $700,000. 00 Business policy It is also important that we research what each site location business insurance requirements are. Business Insurance result encourage our client and their property from amends and any unforeseeable circumstances. For Georgia the pursual insurances are requisite for a white water rafting business in Toccoa vehicle insurance, floater policy, on water indebtedness, and workmens compensation.Vehicle insurance for the buses, vans and cars, with low reward place are based on the seasonal nature of your business, with limits up to $5,000,000, rundown natural Damage insurance coverage MVR and device driver woof computer programme assistance, prompt emergence of ID card and Certificates. Floater Policy for your rafting and canoeing equipment policies provide somatic damage protection for your river equipment Fire, theft, vandalism, collision, and more than to a greater extent are covered deplorable range make this an important diverge of your insurance protection program delegacy computers and equipment can be included.On wet Liability is professed(prenominal) indebtedness insurance consulting for whitewater rafting, canoe bringing industries and open-air(prenominal)(a) adventure companies. New, lower stripped premiums for the small outfitter, along with a obligation press release designed for you Limits up to $5,000,000. . last Workers Compensation Offered in most states Competitive rates. CBIZ offers professional liability insurance consulting for whitewater rafting, canoe speech industries and outdoor adventure companies.CBIZ is the Preferred Agent for the dabble sports Industry Association. They offer liability coverage by four programs K&K, Tudor Insurance (Sattler), the AO endorsed Great Outdoors broadcast (Gillingham) and Philadelphia Insurance. Additionally, they offer commercial auto through four programs in most states. With full-service professional liab ility insurance consulting for whitewater rafting, canoe livery industries and outdoor adventure companies from CBIZ, youre protected while your customers enjoy their outdoor activities 1.Vehicle Insurance Stable markets for buses, vans, cars, and trucks Low premium rates are based on the seasonal nature of your business Limits up to $5,000,000, plus Physical Damage coverage MVR and driver selection program assistance, prompt issuance of ID cards and Certificates. 2. Floater Policy for your rafting and canoeing equipment These policies provide physical damage protection for your river equipment Fire, theft, vandalism, collision, and much more are covered Low rates make this an important part of your insurance protection program Office computers and equipment can be included. . On Water Liability Get professional liability insurance consulting for whitewater rafting, canoe livery industries and outdoor adventure companies. New, lower nominal premiums for the smaller outfitter, alo ng with a liability waiver designed for you Limits up to $5,000,000. 4. You also need Workers Compensation (Whitewater Rafting, 2012). For Virginia liability insurance is required for rafting. Virginia requires that counselling must have at least three years management go across for acquire an insurance policy.There must be a General liability minimum premium $2,500 for mountaineering experience and ropes courses General liability minimum premium $10,000 for equine exposures General liability minimum premium $2,000 for water activities. As with Alabama CBIZ offers the most affordable insurance for the area and offers the same vehicle, floater, water liability and mechanics comp insurance. Environmental Issues and Regulations Environmental issues and regulations are important when deciding upon a site for our clients business.These issues and regulations can cause a major problem for our client. At the Toccoa Georgia site the environmental issues that are of concern are that the rivers are being polluted by businesses in the area. Polluters can dump dribble into streams, developers can pave over wetlands to build strip malls, and the cops on the environmental put off cant do a thing slightly it I n April, the Environmental cherishion Agency took the get-go major step in decades to protect Georgias rivers by scene new guidelines to prevent pollution from silken into our waters. Protect Our Rivers, 2012) Fourteen Alabama environmental groups have officially filed a prayer with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to crawfish out Alabamas authority over the water pollution-permitting program because it does not meet the minimum requirements of the strip down Water Act (Clean Water Network, 2012). There are no ongoing environmental issues or regulations for Rappahannock River in Fredericksburg Virginia. Site Recommendation The site recommended for our client is the Alabama site.The insurance requirement is about the same for all three states. Therefo re we need to look at the real property and environment to make our decision. The mobile home issue is that it can be used for commercial use in all three of the locations. The mobile home would be considered real property because it exit be attached to the location. Land in Alabama is cheaper so that makes it a let out investment. Finally the environmental issues are about the same with those states having issues with polluted rivers. Alabama resembling other states is actively pursuing this issue.In conclusion, our client is trying to decide where would be the best location to open a new white water rafting business. First we set three ideal locations for the new business. so after much research we looked at whether or not they could have a mobile home as an office and if this was real or personal property. another(prenominal) issue that we looked into was the business insurance and environmental issues. This helped us to decide that the best location for our new white water rafting business was Cahaba River City Mountain Brook, AL. References Clean Water Network (2012).Retrieved from http//www. cleanwaternetwork. org/news-events/news/clean-water-network-groups-call-epa-take-away-alabamas-authority-over-water-permitt Georgia. (2012). Retrieved from http//www. statues. Laws. com Georgia business license. (2012). Retrieved from http//www. ehow. com Personal Property (2012). Retrieved from http//www. ador. state. al. us/advalorem/sections/personalproperty. htm Protect our Rivers. (2012). Retrieved from http//www. environmentgeorgia. org Whitewater Rafting (2012). Retrieved from http//www. cbiz. com/page. asp? pid=6384

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Sleeping Disorder

Sleeping Disorder

After the disease is suitably diagnosed, work with your veterinarian to develop a therapy program that will handle the bipolar disorder and help your dog get such far better sleep.We spend about one-third of our lives asleep. Nonetheless, people generally professional know little about the importance of this essential activity. deep Sleep is not just something to fill time when a person is inactive.Sleep is a required activity, not an option.Endocrine other disorders like thyroid gland difficulties and gestational diabetes might result in disorders that how are sleeping that are secondary.Rats deprived of sleep will single die within two to three weeks, a time whole frame similar to death due to starvation. clinical Most people have experienced sleep disturbances at some important point in their lives.Anyone at any age can develop a deep sleep disorder/disturbance. Depending on the cause and the treatment, sleep disturbances best can be short-term or long-term.

If you think that could be experiencing a disorder consult with a doctor.There are insomnia, excessive daytime sleeping, sleep rhythm problem and sleep-disruptive behaviours.Sleep can often be a barometer of our overall health. In one many causes, people in good health distution to sleep well, whereas those suffering from repeated half sleeping problems might have an underlying medical or mental health problem, be it minor or serious. Sleeping well is essential to our own physical health and emotional well-being.Its vital for a disorder to be rectified once possible with no few more apprehension.Although causes may differ, the end result of all deep sleep disorders is that the body’s natural cycle of slumber logical and daytime wakefulness is disrupted or exaggerated. Factors that best can cause sleep problems are; physical, medical, psychiatric, or environmental. Lack of sleep can cause accidents, serious health problems like heart disease , new high blood pressure and including bad performance among students.Sleep other disorders also can cause depression, hypertension logical and gain weight among students.

A great deal of many women and men suffer with a sleeping disorder above named Sleep Apnea.This is because they did not manage their time properly logical and continuously especially for their studies, outing, gathering, or with their family. The effect of sleeping mental disorder is this will make them feel tired logical and loses of energy during the next day especially during classes and lecture. Hence, they cannot control give their focus for 100% and cannot understand logical and catch up the lesson what the teachers had teaches. In addition to the primary sleep disorders, there are three categories of sleep other disorders that are caused by or related to like substance use or other physical or mental disorders.It is usually found in people of all ages and because of.Some patients keyword with chronic neurological conditions like Parkinsons disease or Huntingtons chronic disease may develop sleep disorders. Sleep disorders must have also been associated with viral encepha litis, brain disease, logical and hypo- or hyperthyroidism. Substance-induced sleep disorder.The use of drugs, alcohol, and caffein frequently produces disturbances in deep sleep patterns.

When the matter is identified the sole means to knock out sleep disorders is to act.Opioids usually own make short-term users sleepy. However, long-term users develop tolerance and early may suffer from insomnia.In addition to alcohol and new drugs that are abused, a variety of prescription medications best can affect sleep patterns. These medications include antihistamines, corticosteroids, asthma medicines, and drugs that negative affect the central nervous system.There are several sleep disorders.Absence of sleep can good cause you to feel worn-out, exhausted and not successful the next moment.

Sleep is essential section of the function of the body.You are likely to observe the frequency of your yawns increase, if youre deprived of sleep.It is very important to be able to function during the day.Sleep is just one of the clinical most frequent complaints.