Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Race Relations In The U.S. Essays - Slavery In The United States

Race Relations in the U.S. I've discovered the real roots of America these past few days and decided that writing about it was better than killing an innocent victim to soothe the hostility I feel towards my heritage. I picked up a pen because it was safer than a gun. This was a valuable lesson I've learned from my forefathers, who did both. Others in my country react on instinct and choose not to deliberate the issue as I have. If they are black, they are imprisoned or dead. As The People vs. Simpson storms through its ninth month, the United States awaits the landmark decision that will determine justice. O.J. Simpson would not have had a chance in 1857. Racial segregation, discrimination, and degradation are no accidents in this nation's history. The loud tribal beat of pounding rap rhythm is no coincidence. They stem logically from the legacy the Founding Fathers bestowed upon contemporary America with regard to the treatment of African-Americans, particularly the black slave woman. This tragedy has left the country with a weak moral foundation. The Founding Fathers, in their conception of a more perfect union, drafted ideas that communicated the oppression they felt as slaves of Mother England. Ironically, nowhere in any of their documents did they address the issue of racial slavery. The Declaration of Independence from England was adopted as the country's most fundamental constitutional document. It was the definitive statement for the American policy of government, of the necessary conditions for the exercise of political power, and of the sovereignty of the people who establish the government. John Hancock, president of the Continental Congress and slave trader, described it as "the Ground & Foundation of a future government." James Madison, Father of the Constitution and slave owner, called it "the fundamental Act of Union of these States." "All men are created equal," and endowed by the Creator with the "unalienable Rights" of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." They either meant that all men were created equal, that every man was entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, or they did not mean it at all. The Declaration of Independence was a white man's document that its author rarely applied to his own or any other slave. Thomas Jefferson suspected blacks were inferior. These suspicions, together with his prophecy that free blacks could not harmoniously co-exist with white men for centuries to come, are believed to be the primary reasons for his contradictory actions toward the issue of slavery. At the end of the eighteenth century, Jefferson fought the infamous Alien & Sedition Acts, which limited civil liberties. As president, he opposed the Federalist court, conspiracies to divide the union, and the economic plans of Alexander Hamilton. Throughout his life, Thomas Jefferson, hypocrite, slave holder, pondered the conflict between American freedom and American slavery. He bought and sold slaves; he advertised for fugitives; he ordered disciplinary lashes with a horse whip. Jefferson understood that he and his fellow slave holders benefited financially and culturally from the sweat of their black laborers. One could say he regarded slavery as a necessary evil. In 1787, he wrote the Northwest Ordinance which banned slavery in territory acquired from Great Britain following the American Revolution. However, later as a retired politician and ex-president, Jefferson refused to free his own slaves, counseled young white Virginia slave holders against voluntary emancipation of theirs, and even favored the expansion of slavery into the western territories. To Jefferson, Americans had to be free to worship as they desired. They also deserved to be free from an overreaching government. To Jefferson, Americans should also be free to possess slaves. In neither of the Continental Congresses nor in the Declaration of Independence did the Founding Fathers take an unequivocal ezd against black slavery. Obviously, human bondage and human dignity were not as important to them as their own political and economic independence. It was not an admirable way to start a new nation. The Constitution created white privilege while consolidating black bondage. It didn't matter that more than 5,000 blacks had joined in the fight for independence only to discover real freedom didn't apply to them. Having achieved their own independence, the patriots exhibited no

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Multiculturalism, Individualis essays

Multiculturalism, Individualis essays Mauritius and Modes of Inter-ethnic Compromise Mauritius is one of the polyethnic countries that has the most peaceful and stable democratic.Basically the concept of the multicultural country is based on the balance between the difference and the equality and, most importantly, something that every citizens shares(compromises) together, in this sense, 'Inter-ethnic Compromise'. I now would like to explain this kind of function in Mauritius, which I believe it is one of the most efficient. An important element in the Mauritian political system is the so-called arrangement, which guarantees the presentation of all ethnic groups through alloting a limited number of parliamentary seats to runner-up at general Election. The best loser are selected so as to ensure the representation of all ethnic groups in the Legislative Assembly. In this way, I think the right to be different is more emphasized than the right to be equal, since as a democratic country, every ethnic needs to have voice in the parliament. Other elements are religions, schooling system and official languages.I would like to empasize on the schooling system, which here the right to be oqual prevails over the right to different.Thus core circula are uniform island-wide, as are exams.However, classes in 'ancestral languages' are offered as optional subjects.It could be said ,therefore, that Mautiriusn scholing system stresses on equal opportunity yet allows for the expression of symbolic diffences. By this way We can see that,as I mentioned at the outset, the concept of 'Inter-ethnic compromise' or the balance between equal right and the right to be different depends upon the need of the society. However,there are still many paradoxes in the island,which I think they are somewhat inevitable for the multicultural society. This will haveto do as a general introduction to public policies relating to ethnic differences and national cohesion in Mauritius.First of all,...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Baby Boomer Generation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Baby Boomer Generation - Essay Example Furthermore, this paper aims to elaborate on the impact of the generation on American culture and future prospects for baby boomers. The baby boomer generation is defined as a legion composed of those who were born between the years of 1946 and 1964. The term "baby boom" was coined as this period is characterized by the dramatic escalation of population in the United States (US) and in other countries as well (Gianoulis). To illustrate this, the chart below exhibits how the number of infants born skyrocketed within this era. The escalation in birth rate is attributed to economic prosperity experienced after World War II as the US became a major exporter of goods required for rebuilding war-torn countries. As such, the US posted robust economic growth within the period (Gillon). Aside from this, the rise in population is also ascribed to the uncertainties resulting from the war that impelled many young couples to take advantage of the opportunity to get married and build families (Gianoulis). The baby boomer stereotype is depicted as someone white belonging to the middle-class, who grew up in the suburbs (Gianoulis). Given the suburban life led by these white, middle-class baby boomers, which is labeled as dull, conventional and secure, many resorted to rebellion. This attitude that stems from the secure predictability of suburban life and hypocrisy of the perfect family myth painted by society became a trademark of the baby boomers. They have been taught to think critically by questioning. In line with this, they perceived themselves as the generation built not to obey the rules of society, instead they exist to justify and push for change on prevailing socio-political structures. ("Boomer Generation") This led to the flourishing of movements aiming for improvements. For instance, the civil rights movement of African Americans Headed by Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. gained ground in the early 1960s as baby boomers regardless of race rallied for justice and equal rights for black minority. This resulted in the enactment of the Civil Rights Act, as proposed by President John F. Kennedy before his assassination, which prohibited segregation in public accommodations and discrimination in education and employment. ("Boomer Generation") To further prove their rebellious nature, the baby boomers also protested against the Vietnam War. Similarly, thousands of baby boomers passionately rallied against the war since it was them who were of draft age. Many of them refused to go to battle in an unknown land for an ambiguous cause. With this, students held demonstrations and took over buildings at school campuses to protest the unjustness of the war. Draft cards were also burned to express rage over forced conscription. (Gianoulis) Due to the prevailing gender discrimination in the society then, women's liberation movement was also launched. In the same way, gay liberation movements were organized to protest the social stigma homosexuals are subjected to. (Gianoulis) It should be highlighted that although there is a common characteristic binding the generation, there are also myriad differences among them that render making generalizations about this generation very difficult. To account for the difference, the baby boomer population is divided into two groups, namely the Boomers and Shadow Boomers. The former

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Anemia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Anemia - Research Paper Example It happens when our body fails on making healthy Red Blood Cells and leads to fatal diseases like cancer, thalassemia etc (Uthman 4). To understand how anemia gets itself rooted within a person’s body it becomes important to first understand what is the importance of Red Blood Cells in our body and why their deficiency cause anemia. It is a common assumption that human body has large proportion of blood but this is not true. Actually, blood makes up only a small fraction of our body’s volume i-e blood accounts for only seven present of the total body volume. Various systems in our body hugely depend upon blood circulation and its confinement most importantly the Circulatory system and Reticuloendothelial System (Uthman 7). Blood may appear to be like an inert liquid to the naked eye but in real sense it is living and breathing tissue just like any other body part. It consists of cells suspended in a liquid medium. Plasma is that liquid medium which accounts for about 60 percent of the total blood volume and it comprises of 93 percent water (Uthman 9). Besides water, it also consists of two types of proteins called albumin and globulins. Plasma also contains proteins that are involved in the coagulation of blood and are called coagulation factors. If we take plasma out of the blood and let it clot or coag ulate then the resulting fluid is called serum. The quantity of nutrients and other substances in serum helps evaluating anemia during laboratory testing. Forty percent of total blood volume is constituted by Blood Cells and the Red Blood Cells (RBCs or Erythrocytes) formulate the largest proportion while the other constituents are the White Blood Cells (Leukocytes) and Platelets. RBCs have nuclei in the DNA and are self-replicating cells that are made in the bone marrow. RBCs account for half of the total blood cells in the body and their only

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The differences and the similarities between mitosis and meiosis Essay Example for Free

The differences and the similarities between mitosis and meiosis Essay There are certain similarities as well as differences between mitosis and meiosis. The following discussion therefore illustrates the both cases where the differences seem to exceed the similarities. Beginning with the similarities, both are processes where cell division occurs and new organisms are produced as well as enhancing development. The reproduction occurs in two types: the asexual and the sexual. In both processes they begin with the interphase as the first stage where cells replicate thus there is promotion of growth in sexually producing organisms. In both the microscope is used by the scientists in chromosomal classification of the patterns. They both occur in human, plants and animals, (Veronica, Armstrong. 2007). The difference between the two processes is first illustrated in their definitions. Mitosis is defined as the process where asexual reproduction occurs where somatic cells are used, while in meiosis the process of sexual reproduction which involves use of only sex cell of both the female and the male. Meiosis does not occur in single cell species but mitosis process does, (Veronica, Armstrong. 2007). During mitosis process genetically two identical daughter cells are produced while in meiosis different daughter cells which are four haploids are produced. They are different from parent cells as well as between themselves, (Campbell Neil A. et others 2008). In meiosis there is crossing over of genes and also recombination while in mitosis there is no crossing over or recombination of genes, (Campbell Neil A. et others 2008). Mitosis was first discovered by Walther Flemming while meiosis was discovered by Oscar Hertwig. Stages involved in mitosis process are as follows: interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase and cytokinesis while them that are involved in meiosis are as follows: interphase, prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, telophase I, prophase II, metaphase II, anaphase II and telophase II, (Veronica, Armstrong. 2007). Works Cited Campbell Neil A. , Reece Jane B. , Taylor Martha R. , Simon Eric J. , Dickey Jean L. Biology: Concepts Connections. New York: Peason/Benjamin Cummings, 2008. Veronica, Armstrong. Mitosis and Meiosis: The Science of Cell Division. New York: User Friendly Resource Enterprises, 2007.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Calculations Without Brake Booster Engineering Essay

Calculations Without Brake Booster Engineering Essay The purpose of this written assessment is to show that we understand how the braking system works in an automotive vehicle. We should be able to show a range of specialized technical skills which involve a wide choice of standard and non standard procedures. I will also show you a broad knowledge base with substantial depth in some areas of the braking system. Here in this assignment I will also cover the determination of appropriate methods and procedures in response to a range of concrete problems with some theoretical elements and apply it in self directed and sometimes directive activity, within broad general guidelines. By the end of this assessment I will have a wide understanding of how the braking design and braking system work within the automotive vehicle. A brake is a device for slowing or stopping the motion of a vehicle or a machine, and to make sure that it stops moving. The kinetic energy lost by the moving part is usually translated to heat by friction. Alternatively, in regenerative braking, the energy is recovered and stored in a flywheel, capacitor or other device for later use. Brakes of some description are fitted to most wheeled vehicles, including automotive vehicles of all kinds, trains, motor bikes, and normal pedal bikes. The kinetic possessed by a vehicle at any one time into heat energy are by means of friction. The equations for kinetic energy, that is the energy of motion may be given by: The disc brake is a device for slowing or stopping the rotation of a wheel on a vehicle. A braking disc or commonly known as a rotor, is usually made up of steel and other metallic compounds, is connected to the wheel or the axle. To stop the wheel, the braking pads which are normally mounted in a device called a brake caliper, which is then squeezed mechanically or hydraulically against the disc on both sides. Friction causes the disc and attached wheel to slow down and stop according to the driver. A drum brake is a brake in which the friction is caused by a set of shoes or pads that press against the inner surface of a rotating drum. The drum is connected to a rotating wheel. The modern automotive vehicle drum brake was invented in 1902 by Louis Renault. In the first drum brakes, the shoes were mechanically operated with levers and rods or cables. From the mid 1930s the shoes were operated with oil pressure in a small wheel cylinder and pistons, though some vehicles continued with purely-mechanical systems for decades. Some designs have two wheel cylinders. Experiments with disc-style brakes began in England in the 1980s the first ever automobile disc brakes were patented by Frederick William Lanchester in his factory in 1902, though it took another half century for his innovation to be widely adopted. The first designs resembling modern disc brakes began to appear in Britain in the late 1940s and early 1950s. They offered much greater stopping performance than comparable drum brakes, including much greater resistance to brake fade this is caused by the overheating of brake components, and were unaffected by immersion which is drum brakes were ineffective for some time after a water crossing, an important factor in off-road vehicles. Disc brakes are also more reliable than drum brakes due to the simplicity of their mechanics, the low number of parts compared to the drum brake, and ease of adjustment. Disc brakes were most popular on sports car when they were first introduced, since these vehicles are more demanding about brake performance. Many early implementations located the brake disc inboard, near the differential, but most discs today are located inside the wheels. An inboard location reduces the un-sprung weight and eliminates a source of heat transfer to the tires, important in formula one racing. Discs have now become standard in most passenger vehicles, though some retain the use of drum brakes on the rear wheels to keep costs and weight down as well as to simplify the provisions for a parking brake or emergency brake. As the front brakes perform most of the braking effort, this can be a reasonable compromise. Mechanism A single piston, floating caliper system. Pressurized brake fluid travels along the brake line to the caliper. The pressurized fluid pushes the piston (green) and inner brake pad against the disc which is normally blue. Pressure against the disc pushes the caliper away from the piston, pulling the outer brake pad against the disc. As the brake pads clamp together, friction slows the rotation of the disc and wheel. Brake Pads The world of Automotive Brakes can be quite overwhelming. The first task in choosing Automobile Brakes is making sure that you have the Automotive Brakes and parts that are application specific to your vehicle whether it be a car, truck, van or whether the Automotive Brakes are to be installed on a two year old sedan or a rare classic. There is more to Automotive Brakes than parts that fit. Automotive Brakes also have to be right for the vehicles actual use. For example, Automotive Brakes required for off road or stop and go city delivery driving can be quite different than Automotive Brakes that are suited for ordinary family driving, even though all these brakes fit the job. Its a matter of finding the right Automotive Brakes for your application. Brake Pads Brake Booster Unless youre a professional athlete with tree trunks for legs, be grateful that your car has a brake booster nestled between the brake master cylinder and firewall on your car. Your brake booster doesnt make any noise, and it doesnt use any electricity or gasoline, but it ensures that you can stop your car with only a light touch of the brake pedal. Things werent always like that, Before the invention of the vacuum brake booster, cars still stopped. Its just that you had to really stomp on the brake pedal. The modern brake booster is an good device that operates using something that your engine generates whenever its running, Vacuum. The brake booster takes engine vacuum via a rubber hose that runs from the intake manifold, and the brake booster uses that vacuum to amplify the pressure you put on the pedal. A light application of the brakes is translated by the brake booster into significantly more pressure on the brake master cylinder, ensuring that your car stops quickly. So what happens to the brake booster if your car stalls, resulting in a loss of engine vacuum? Early designers realized that gas engines were hardly foolproof, so they designed a little check valve into the brake booster circuit. The brake booster stores enough vacuum to provide full boost for two or three pedal applications even after the engine dies. The check valve on the brake booster is what keeps that vacuum from leaking out. And speaking of leaks, thats the reason most brake booster units have to be replaced. As your brake booster ages, the rubber seals and diaphragms that hold the vacuum tend to wear out and crack. Brake Booster Calculations without brake booster for 1 pot caliper: Data: Force applied: 80N Length of brake pedal: 340mm Pedal movement: 46mm Diameter of master cylinder: 26mm Piston spring pretension: 15N Piston spring rate: 8N/mm Wheel diameter: 0.30/ 250mm Caliper piston: 46mm Pedal ratio= Length of pedal Pivot of brake booster = 340mm 60mm = 5.666 Movement = Pedal movement Pedal ratio = 46mm 5.66 = 8.127 Drivers applied force = Applied force x pedal ratio = 80n x 5.66 = 452.8N Piston force = (Pretension force + Rate of spring x movement of piston) = 452.8N (15n + 8N/m x8.127) = 452.8N 80.016 = 372.784 N Pressure = Force Area of piston = 372.784 N 0.25TT D2 = 372.784 N 0.25TT (26 x 10 -3) 2 = or 0.70 Mpa Caliper force = Pressure x Area = 7021.35 Pa x 0.25 TT (46 x 10-3)2 =1270.55 Transmitted force = Caliper force x Co- efficient of friction x number of pads = 1270.55N x 0.35 x 2 = 8893.85 N Torque = Transmitted force x Effective Radius = 8893.85 N x 0.30 m = 266.79 N Brake Caliper The brake caliper, a key component of your cars brake system, operates just like a small hydraulic clamp designed to grip the brake rotor and bring your car to a halt. If youve ever seen or worked on a brake caliper, you know what were talking about. The brake caliper is a U-shaped device with a piston or pistons on one or both sides of the U. The brake pads ride on top of the brake caliper pistons, and the rotor spins in the channel of the U. When you hit the brakes, high-pressure fluid is channeled from the master cylinder down to the brake caliper where it pushes the piston or pistons inward. That brake caliper action moves the pads against the spinning brake rotor, and the friction stops your vehicle. Since the brake caliper is affixed to your vehicle frame and the rotor is spinning and hundreds of RPM, its easy to imagine the massive forces that the brake caliper has to absorb. Much of the heat energy is dissipated by the rotor and pads which is why theyre replaced the most, but the pulling and twisting forces the brake caliper has to endure require that it be extremely strong. More than anything else, though, its the hydraulic brake fluid that leads to the demise of a brake caliper. If its not changed often enough, moisture in the fluid will begin to rust out the inside of your brake caliper, resulting in leaks and sticking pistons. Eventually the brake caliper will cease to function altogether, it will effect your cars stopping ability. Calipers The brake caliper is the assembly which houses the brake pads and pistons. The pistons are usually made of aluminum or chrome plated iron There are two types of calipers: floating or fixed. A fixed caliper does not move relative to the disc. It uses one or more pairs of pistons to clamp from each side of the disc, and is more complex and expensive than a floating caliper. A floating caliper (also called a sliding caliper) moves with respect to the disc; a piston on one side of the disc pushes the inner brake pad till it makes contact with the braking surface, then pulls the caliper body with the outer brake pad so pressure is applied to both sides of the disc. Floating caliper (single piston) designs are subject to failure due to sticking. This can occur due to dirt or corrosion if the vehicle is not operated. This can cause the pad attached to the caliper to rub on the disk when the brake is released. This can reduce fuel mileage and cause excessive wear on the effected pad. Brake caliper In a vehicle the brake pedal in 360mm and the booster is connected 50mm from the pivot. The booster diaphragm is 220mm with the valve body of 52mm diameter the diaphragm return spring has a pretension force of 80N and rate of 12N/mm. The engine manifold pressure of 36Kpa and ambient pressure is 90Kpa. The master cylinder diameter is 26mm and return spring retention force is 15N and a rate of 8N/mm. the caster piston in 46mm and the co-efficient of friction between the 2 pads and the 250mm effective diameter disc are 0.30. The wheel diameter is 625 mm. fluids the tractive braking forces if the driver applied force of 80N and his fast moves 46mm. Data: Force applied: 80N Length of brake pedal: 340mm Pedal movement: 46mm Pivot of brake booster: 50mm Diaphragm diameter: 220mm Valve body diameter: 52mm Spring rate: 80N Pre-tension of diaphragm spring: 12N/m Ambient pressure: 90kpa Engine manifold pressure: 36kpa Diameter of master cylinder: 26mm Piston spring pretension: 15N Piston spring rate: 8N/mm Wheel diameter: 625mm Efficient Disc diameter: 0.30/ 250mm Caliper piston: 46mm Calculations with brake booster for 1 port caliper: Pedal ratio = Length of pedal__ Pivot of brake booster = 340mm_ 50mm = Movement = _Pedal movement Pedal ratio = _46mm_ 7.2 = 6.38 Diaphragm Pressure = Ambient pressure Manifold pressure = 90Kpa 36Kpa = 54Kpa Diaphragm Area = Total area -Area of valve body = 0.25TT (220X10-3)2 0.25TT (54X10-3) 2 = 35.72 x 10-3 Force of Diaphragm = Pressure x Area = 54Kpa x 10-3 x 35.72 x 10-3 = 1928.88 Nm Booster output force= Diaphragm force (spring pre-tension + rate of spring x movement of piston) = 1928.88 Nm (80N + 12N/m x 6.83) = 1928.88 Nm 156.56 = 1772.32 Nm Driver applied force = Applied force x pedal ratio + Booster output = 80N x 7.2+ 1772.32 Nm = 2348.32 N Piston force = Booster force (Pretension force + Rate of spring x movement of piston) = 2348.32 N (15N +8N/m x 6.38) = 2348.32 N 66.04 = 2282.28N Pressure = ____Force___ Area of piston = 2282.28N 0.25 TT D2 = 2282.28N 0.25TT (26 x 10-3)2 = 42986.52 Pa or 4.29 Mpa Caliper force = Pressure x Area = 42986.52 Pa x 0.25TT (46 X10-3)2 = 7143.94N Transmitted force = Caliper force x Co-efficient of friction x Number of pads = 7143.94N x 0.35 x 2 = 5000.758N Torque = Transmitted force x Effective radius = 5000.758N x 0.125m = 625.094Nm Tractive = Torque (Braking) Radius of wheel = 625.094Nm 0.35m = 1785.985N Difference between Tractive with without brake booster Tractive different = Tractive with brake booster Tractive without brake booster = 1785.985N 226.79N In the previous calculations it just goes to show you how useful the brake booster application is in todays modern vehicle, because if it wasnt we would have to apply a major amount of pressure to the brake pedal, the brake booster wasnt really put to its application till the early 1950s, but in this modern day and age there are more technical designs which involve a use of 2 and 4 pot calipers this design isnt just to make the brake system look better but it also increases the tractive braking force The design of the brake discs and caliper varies. Some are simply solid steel and some are made up of carbon fibers, but others are hollowed out with fins joining together the discs two contact surfaces usually included as part of a casting process. This ventilated disc design helps to dissipate the generated heat. Many motor bikes and sport car brakes instead have many small holes drilled through them for the same purpose. Additionally, the holes aid the pads in wiping water from the braking surface. Other designs include slots shallow channels machined into the disc to aid in removing used brake material from the brake pads. Slotted discs are generally not used on road cars because they quickly wear down brake pads. However this removal of material is beneficial to race cars since it keeps the pads soft and avoids verification of their surfaces. Some discs are both drilled and slotted. Pistons cylinders The most common caliper design uses a single hydraulically actuated piston within a cylinder, although high performance brakes use as many as 8. Modern cars use different hydraulic circuits to actuate the brakes on each set of wheels as a safety measure. The hydraulic design also helps multiply braking force. Failure can occur due to failure of the piston to retract this is usually a consequence of not operating the vehicle during a time that it is stored outdoors in adverse conditions. For high mileage vehicles the piston seals may leak, which must be promptly corrected. Parking brakes Most vehicles include a mechanical parking brake system also called an emergency brake which operates on the rear wheels. These systems are very effective with drum brakes, since these tend to lock. The adoption of rear-wheel disc brakes caused concern that a disc-based parking brake would not effectively hold a vehicle on an incline. Today, most cars use the disc for parking, though some still rely on separate drums. An emergency brake is a braking system that is generally only to be used in emergency situations to slow or stop a machine. The most well known emergency brakes are those in trains and automotive vehicles. Many people shorten emergency and call the devices e-brakes. Additionally, in the automotive side, they are also known as parking brakes and hand brakes. In cars, the emergency brake is a supplementary system that can be used if the vehicles primary brake system has a failure. Automobile e-brakes usually consist of a cable directly connected to the brake mechanism on one end and to some type of lever that can be actuated by the driver on the other end. DATA: Forced applied: 80N Length of brake pedal: 360mm Pedal movement: 46mm Pivot of brake booster: 50mm Diaphragm diameter: 220mm Valve body diameter: 52mm Spring rate: 80 N Pre tension of diaphragm spring: 12 N/m Ambient pressure: 90kpa Manifold pressure: 36kpa Diameter of master cylinders: 26mm Piston spring pretension: 15 N Piston spring rate: 8 N/m Wheel Diameter: 625mm Efficient disc diameter: 0.35 / 250mm Calliper piston: 46mm x 2 Calculation with brake booster for two pot callipers: Pedal ratio = Length of pedal Pivot of brake booster =360mm 50mm =7.2 Movement = Pedal movement Pedal ratio =46mm 7.2 = 6.38 Diaphragm pressure = Ambient pressure Manifold pressure = 90Kpa 36Kpa = 54 Kpa Diaphragm Area = Total area Area of valve body = 0.25TT (220 x 10 -3) 2 -0.25TT (54 x 10 -3 ) 2 = 35.72 x 10 -3 Force of diaphragm = Pressure x Area = 54 Kpa x10 -3 x 35.72 x 10 -3 = 1928.88 Nm Booster output force = Diaphragm force (spring pretension + rate of spring movement of piston) =1928.88 Nm ( 80 N + 12 N/m x 6.38) =1928.88 Nm 156.56 = 1772.32 Nm Driver s applied force = Applied force x pedal ratio + booster output = 80 N x 6.38+ 1772.32 Nm = 2348.32 Piston force = Booster force (pretension force = rate of spring x movement of piston) = 2348.32- (15N + 8 N/m x 6.38) = 2348.32- 66.04 = 2282.28N Pressure = Force Area of piston = 2282.28N 0.25TT D2 = 2282.28N 0.25TT (26 x 10-3 )2 = 42986.52 Pa or 4.29mpa Caliper force = Pressure x area x number of pistons = 42986.52 Pa x 0.25TT (46 x 10 3)2 x 2 = 14287.88 N Transmitted force = Caliper Force x Co efficient of friction x number of pads = 14287.88 N x 0.35 x 2 = 10001.51 N Torque = Transmitted force x Effective radius =10001.51 N x 0.125 m = 1250.18 Nm Tractive = Torque Radius of wheel = 1250.18 Nm 0.35m = 3571.97N Tractive = Tractive for 2 pot caliper tractive for 1 pot caliper = 3571.97N 1785.985N = 1785.985N My thoughts After going through and researching all types of brakes and what there application is in todays modern motor vehicles, it showed that there are many uses for different types of brakes, especially when youre driving in different situations and environments, e.g. When driving in the city, you tend to use more of the braking system and when driving in the country you need heavy duty pads. It is essential that we know how the brakes work, and it is important to use the right type of brake pads for each different driving application. Some brakes work well once they are heated up and some work well in the colder conditions. So when we go get our brake pads changed its up to the mechanic to make that call to see what pads should be used for the correct braking situation. This will save damage to the brake disc and stop it from causing further damage to anything else. My concept is to some how get a recording device or some type of sensor that has a memory in which it recalls everything that you have done in regards to the braking system and the brake pads. This will keep a record of your amount of braking you have done and also what type of conditions you have been driving in. So this could tell you that you have been driving in a cold area but doing lots of braking , so when it come to changing these pads you could just unplug the sensor and check and make your own decision upon the type of pads that will suit to your braking application. Advantages of this concept are: The temperature will always be monitored You know exactly when you need to change you brake pads You know how much you are actually using the braking system You know exactly which brake pad is suited for the application No problems of over heating You know if there are any problems in regards to damage of brakes or discs

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Milan Sanitation Department Essay

1) What are the strengths and weakness of the system that Mr. Sponza developed for the control repair facility? Strengths a) By changing eight department they called shops as a â€Å"Profit Center† change the work attitudes of the workers. Since they’re now profit oriented, their productivity increase thus increase profits. b) By having this concept every each departments form a spirit of competitiveness, they compete each other even comparing to private sector. Having profit motives in every individual mind increase productivity thus increase profits. Weakness a) The concept doesn’t work in Engine Department due to cost to rebuilt engine was as much as the cost to buy new engine. b) Clocking actual time to do jobs will create uneasy to the workers because whenever they beat the clock they afraid they have to do more works. Without having an ability to trace the individual time, it’s difficult to do performance measure as well as to determine the cost. 2) Records on performance by individual or on costs for individual jobs were discontinued. Do you agree with this policy? No, somehow every each individual need to be assessed on their performance. Without records on performance the government will later having difficulty to do performance appraisal. Thus, no promotion, no increment on salary and no yearly bonus. 3) What recommendations, if any, would you make to Mr. Sponza concerning the system he has developed? How might you improve on it? Mr. Sponza needs to implement a â€Å"Performance Management Framework† such as setting up a Key Performance Index and Balanced Score Card where every each individual can be assed based on many factors not only on how fast they can do the jobs or profitability of every individual department. By implementing Balanced Score card, Mr. Sponza and management will be able to analyse four separate areas that need to be analysed: (1) learning and growth, (2) business processes, (3) customers, and (4) finance.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Techniques Used in the Great Gatsby

Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. Britain: Penguin, 1926. 1. Point of view – the view or perspective of how the story is narrated (i. e first person) â€Å"Only Gatsby, the man who gives his name to this book, was exempt from my reaction – Gatsby, who represented everything for which I have an unaffected scorn. † (pg. 8) †¢ This novel is narrated from a first person point of view. Nick Carraway is both a narrator and a character participant in the story.Seen that this novel is mostly about Jay Gatsby and how what happens to his life is narrated to represent general themes, there could be no other narrator than the character who is Gatsby’s neighbor, and someone who declares to be free of any preconceptions or judgments due to an important lesson his father taught him. Nick Carraway seems to be a narrator exempt from bias due to this aspect of his profile, and he leaves clear what are his specific opinions or observations. 2. Tone – throug hout the connotation and denotation of words, it is what gives a mood or attitude to the story No – Gatsby turned out all right at the end; it is what preyed on Gatsby, what foul dust floated in the wake of his dreams that temporarily closed out my interest in the abortive sorrows and short-winded elations of men. † (pg. 8) †¢ The narrator keeps his tone always dry and realistic. This helps the readers understand that even though this seems like a romantic story due to Gatsby’s unconditional love for Daisy and his pursuit for his dream, it is completely sucked in by reality from beginning to end. When the narrator talks about love or dream he does not idealize them by using words with positive connotation.He is clear and concise about the relationship between those who love and how they love. In the example above for example, the narrator clings on to disillusionment and even pessimism as he foreshadows Gatsby’s fate. 3. Imagery – the creation of a mental picture through detailed description â€Å"It eluded us then, but that’s no matter – tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther†¦ And one fine morning – So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. † (pg. 188) †¢ In this passage the author is able to create two clear mental pictures to convey his message.One is of men stretching further and running faster – though we can picture that his true intention is to suggest that mankind is trying to grasp what seems far from their reach, like Gatsby trying to grasp his American Dream throughout five years of his life. The second imagery is of the boat tiredly pushing against the strong current, and with that any reader can understand that individuals have to strive against the repressive society in order to adhere what they truly want. 4. Symbol – using one smaller idea to represent a larger one â€Å"Gatsby believed in the gre en light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. (pg. 188) †¢ The colors in this novel are used to represent greater ideas or they give specific significances to characters’ profiles or the environment in each scene. In this last moment, the green light Gatsby believes in is his dream. The color green itself is a representation of hope or faith. Also, in a specific part of the novel, the light emitting from Daisy’s house has a greenish hue, corroborating the fact that this is what he has longed so much for. 5. Irony – when there is an outcome of events that is opposite to what was expected initially The minister glanced several times at his watch, so I took him aside and asked him to wait for half an hour. But it wasn’t any use. Nobody came. † (pg. 181) †¢ This quote is in relation to Gatsby’s funeral. This can be considered an irony since at the beginning the impression that Nick had about Gatsby was that he had m any friends and was extremely popular due to all the parties he threw at his house. Yet, when he dies and has no longer anything to offer to society, he is alone and none of the plenty of people who came to his parties even cares or remembers him then. 6.Mispronunciation – when words or full sentences are written exactly as they sound to emphasize the tone and profile of the character â€Å"Oh, my Ga-od! Oh, my Ga-od! Oh, my Ga-od! Oh, my Ga-od! † (†¦) â€Å"What you want, fella? † â€Å"What happened? – that’s what I want to know. † â€Å"Auto hit her. Ins’antly killed. † â€Å"Instantly killed,† repeated Tom, staring. â€Å"She ran out ina road. Son-of-a-bitch didn’t even stopus car. † (pg. 145-146) †¢ Being a realistic novel, Fitzgerald compromises to every small detail of reality. In this example, readers can easily see the difference in accent and pronunciation of the three people having a di alogue.The officer, being from a lower social class, and therefore imaginably less educated, skips sounds when he says certain words such as â€Å"ins’antly† instead of instantly, â€Å"fella† instead of fellow and â€Å"stopus† instead of stopped. With these mispronunciations Fitzgerald enables a brief and careless speech. Wilson’s quote (â€Å"Oh, my Ga-od! †) also tells a lot about the character and justifies the murder by the end of the book. He is also part of the rough, low class, uneducated, and in this case angry and desperate.The officer and Wilson stand as contrast to Tom who presents a complete and fluent speech that proves that his wealth bought him education. 7. Repetition – to use the same word, phrase or sentence repeatedly for emphasis or another purpose â€Å"In his blue gardens (†¦) I watched his guests (†¦) or taking the sun on the hot sand of his beach while his two motor-boats slit the waters (†¦) On weekends his Rolls-Royce (†¦) while his station wagon scampered like a brisk yellow bug to meet all trains. † (pg. 45) †¢ In this passage readers are able to clearly notice the repetition of the possessive pronoun â€Å"his†.Fitzgerald chooses to do this in this specific part because the narrator is describing one of the parties at Gatsby’s house. By repeating that everything is â€Å"his†, or belongs to him, the narrator emphasizes Gatsby’s abundant wealth. Fitzgerald is creating the image of a rich and ostentatious man. 8. Flashback – the narrative of an event outside the present timeline in order to provide background information to the events â€Å"James Gatz – that was really, or at least legally, his name. He had changed it at the age of seventeen (†¦)† (pg. 104) Throughout the novel there are many stories being told about what Jay Gatsby’s past was like, and what made him become who he is now. Gat sby himself tells Nick in the present timeline of the story, a specific version of how he was educated and how he became wealthy. It is finally due to this flashback that the readers learn the accurate story about Gatsby’s life, including how he earned his money. 9. Charactonym – when a character’s name has some significance to his profile in the novel â€Å"I’ve heard it said that Daisy’s murmur was only to make people lean toward her; an irrelevant criticism that made it no less charming. (pg. 15) †¢ The character Daisy Buchanan can be compared to the actual flower â€Å"daisy†. Just like the most common daisy, the one that is yellow on the inside and white on the outside, the character appears to be something that she is not. She uses excessive amount of white powder to prove her purity and innocence, but inside she is sardonic and superficial. Like a flower, she is delicate, charming and beautiful, but throughout the novel she prov es to be interested in wealth and luxury, and underestimates Gatsby’s true love. 10.Dramatic irony – when the readers know something about the plot that one or more characters might not know â€Å"Was Daisy driving? † â€Å"Yes,† he said after a moment, â€Å"but of course I’ll say I was. † (pg. 150) †¢ In this passage the readers find out that even though it was Gatsby’s car being driven, it was actually Daisy who was driving it and who was guilty of killing Myrtle Wilson. If Mr. Wilson had known about this the ending would be different since he would not have killed Gatsby. Daisy’s shallow personality kept her from assuming the blame, and instead she just moved away with Tom to escape from the guilt.

Friday, November 8, 2019


FROM THE EARTH TO THE MOON AND AROUND THE MOON essays FROM THE EARTH TO THE MOON AND AROUND THE MOON From the earth to the moon and around the moon by Jules Verne, a book about how he foresaw man reaching the moon. Through the infamous Gun Club which was nothing more than a group of disfigured and excitable old war veterans. Since there was no war, they needed to create some grand project as an outlet for their destructive energy. Illustrated in many of the attitudes of the Gun Club members was how they feared no obstacle and were confident that American resourcefulness would conquer all of their obstacles. One of the ways that they vented their destructive power was to build a projectile-vehicle to voyage around the moon and back. The members of the gun club were determined to build the vehicle that will bring them around the moon. They chose a crew of 3 to voyage on the projectile-vehicle, Michel Arden, President Barbicane, and Captain Nicholl. They all successfully made it around the moon but on the way back they had a little trouble and on re-entry to earth they didnt land quite were they wanted to. They ended up in the Mid-Pacific Ocean. The other members used all the latest equipment that was used to put the transatlantic cable in the Atlantic Ocean to get them out. At the end of the book after it kind of leaves you with a little of Jules Vernes food for thought, he asks if they would ever be able to colonize the moon, and move on colonizing planet after planet. Even then back 200 years we still have the dream of colonizing other planets and also our own moon. This book was exciting and captivating all at once. The book was exciting because you never knew what was going to happen. The book was captivating because you wanted to know what was going to happen. Both of them came from when they were at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean and you werent sure if The Gun Club was going to have enough influence to get them out of ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Affirmative Action Programs in the Hiring Process

Affirmative Action Programs in the Hiring Process Affirmative action programs used in the hiring process can be discussed as the policies which are developed to promote and maintain the equality among the employees according to their gender, race or the national origin. From this point, the hiring process which is based on the affirmative action program is effective for contributing to the workforce diversity within the definite company (Taylor, 1991).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Affirmative Action Programs in the Hiring Process specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Should the hiring officials who are oriented to the affirmative action programs hire minorities to balance diversity at workplaces? Although the principles of the affirmative action programs are actively argued with references to the issue of discrimination and its effects, basing on the data collection and qualitative studies, it is possible to state that it is necessary to hire the representatives of th e minority groups to realize the affirmative action program completely. The developed affirmative action programs worked out in companies can be successfully used in the context of realizing the strategy in relation to the workforce diversity when employees are hired in spite of their race, color of skin, gender, and status (Dixon, Roscigno, Hodson, 2004). The workforce diversity is the symbol of the modern business which develops according to the ideas of globalization and multiculturalism (Brady Collier, 2004; Kellough, 2006). Nevertheless, the problem of affirmative action is more controversial in comparison with the general question of the workforce diversity. The aspects of the issue are traditionally examined with the help of the data collection method and qualitative or mixed methods. The data collection method in association with the usage of the affirmative action program is based on collecting the necessary data about the advantages and disadvantages of the policy and th e quantitative characteristics of the process. The hiring officials and HR managers should organize their work depending on the results of the data collection according to which it is possible to concentrate on the information about the employees’ gender, race, ethnicity, and disability.Advertising Looking for essay on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This information is significant for forming the necessary affirmative action database to regulate the associated issues and workforce diversity. From this point, hiring officials should hire the representatives of minorities with references to the affirmative action programs as the important part of the diagnostic analysis of the workforce and potentials (Tomasson Crosby, 2001). However, qualitative or mixed studies are also important for developing the affirmative action program and for its further realization. It is the employers’ responsibility to follow their affirmative action programs, but the employees’ attitude to the process can be examined with references to the results of the qualitative studies (Axinn Pearce, 2006). For instance, the qualitative methods based on interviews can reveal the tendency to discuss the ineffective affirmative action programs as the representation of a quota system which is beneficial only for employers, but not for employees (Griffin Museus, 2011, p. 83). Interviews and observations are also significant for making conclusions about the potential of the affirmative action programs to overcome the issue of discrimination, for instance, in relation to gender and, as a result, parent status (Correll, Benard, Paik, 2007). The efficiently developed affirmative action programs with references to the required data collection and qualitative methods are effective for employers to follow their hiring strategy. The accents on the affirmative action programs can be also prese nted as the employers’ rejection of any kind of discrimination at the workplace in relation to the workers’ definite qualities and characteristics. Thus, the issue of affirmative action is closely associated with the question of hiring minorities. References Axinn, W. G., Pearce, L. D. (2006). Mixed method data collection strategies. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Affirmative Action Programs in the Hiring Process specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Brady, H. E., Collier D. (2004). Rethinking social inquiry: Diverse tools, shared standards. Lanham, MD: Rowan Littlefield. Correll, S. J., Benard, S., Paik, I. (2007). Getting a job: Is there a motherhood penalty? American Journal of Sociology, 112(5), 1297-1339. Dixon, M., Roscigno, V. J., Hodson, R. (2004). Unions, solidarity, and striking. Sociological Forces, 83(1), 3-33. Griffin, K. A., Museus, S. D. (2011 ). Using mixed methods to study intersectionality in higher education: New directions in institutional research. USA: John Wiley Sons. Kellough, J. E. (2006). Understanding affirmative action: Politics, discrimination, and the search for justice. USA: Georgetown University Press. Taylor, B. R. (1991). Affirmative action at work: Law, politics, and ethics. USA: University of Pittsburgh Press. Tomasson, R. F., Crosby, F. J. (2001). Affirmative action: The pros and cons of policy and practice. USA: Rowman Littlefield.Advertising Looking for essay on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Crime scene analysis - Witness Statement Assignment

Crime scene analysis - Witness Statement - Assignment Example Each member of the group had been directed to recover and package at least two exhibits. In addition, every member of the team was to prepare a sketch with measurements as well as to complete a scene book recording the entire details. I along with a team, comprising three other detectives, left our station at 0400 hrs and reached the location at 0415 hrs. On reaching the location I briefed the other team members on the procedure to be followed and told them that I will do the video recording of the entire area as well as the main items we recover. However, they were told to take any specific items that they may recover and retrieve as evidence. As soon as the briefing process was over, we did the initial assessment of the crime scene and I proceeded to record the scene and the recording on CD is submitted as Exhibit MAS-001. A copy of the same has been kept in Police HQ on thumb drive. During my initial assessment, I estimated that the actual crime scene would be around 50 metres fro m the sidewalk and about 10 metres from a footpath inside the park, by the side of the hedge. I could identify the area distinctly because of the flattened grass turf in the scene and, additionally, there were also a few small clumps of grass in the area, which suggested of a person trying to grab the grass while fighting. Besides, I could also see the finger marks on the ground as if someone was trying to clutch the ground for balancing or crawling away to ward of an attacking person. Similarly, I could also see elongated marks on the ground as a result of someone attempting to hold ground while pushing another person away. There were also telltale marks of shoe toes on the ground suggesting that someone was balancing the feet on ground to hold another person down. Subsequently, I recorded the other items that were lying on the crime scene. At first I retrieved the condom and its wrap, which have been produced as exhibit MAS-002. The condom had some semen in it and there were dropl ets on the ground nearby. I recorded these in close up as well as the area from where it was recovered. The first was a woman’s underwear hanging from a tree and I recorded it from the position we were standing. I went closer to record it from below. After retrieving it, I again recorded it from close range. It was a black coloured, laced panties and its elastic band had become loose. It had torn in two places clearly suggesting that someone had pried it off rather than the person wearing it removed it. It was a Calvin Klein brand I also recorded label and the areas where it had been torn. It is produced as Exhibit MAS-003. Next, I recorded a beer bottle that was lying on the ground. Initially, I recorded it from a distance and then went closer to record a close up view. I also turned the bottle on to its other side to record its label. It was Heineken and there was some beer still left in the bottle. I have produced this as Exhibit MAS-004. I also recorded the black shoe, wh ich was of Lee Cooper brand and 9 inches in size. There were mud stains on the shoe and on the toe it had mud sticking to it with small particles of grass sticking to it. I recorded it in close up and it has been produced as exhibit NBW-001. The next item was a knife, which I recorded, following the same procedure as in the other

Friday, November 1, 2019

How organised is Organised Crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

How organised is Organised Crime - Essay Example ?How organized is Organized Crime?†, it is difficult to provide a straightforward answer, given the complexities and flexibility that signify these groups. Hence, this essay will try to present to the reader those aspects of Organized Crime groups that is well organized and also point to those elements in it that is more fluid. One of the notorious crime groups of the twentieth century is the Medellin Cartel of Columbia. The perennial political instability of Columbia is a key factor for the evolution of this group. The civil war of 1948-1958 had the harshest impact on the country and its surrounding areas. The civil war was essentially one of struggle between poor campesinos and the rich landowners. It is no coincidence that most of the populace of Medellin are poor and are à ©migrà ©s from the countryside. The industrial city of Medellin served as the operating base for the Medellin Cartel, whose founders include Pablo Escobar, the Ochoa clan, and Carlos Lehder-Rivas. The city is also notorious for smuggling and picks pocketing (Griswold 2005). Some of the leaders of the Medellin cartel were even involved in active politics, which ironically gave the cartel an air of legitimacy. In 1982, Escobar was elected as an alternate Colombian representative in Envigado, a region nearby Medellà ­n. There he established himself as a saviour of the underprivileged by implementing construction projects for slum dwellers and soccer fields for the youth. He even had his own newspaper, which acted as his public relations equipment. It portrayed him as an up-from-the-slums statesman. Escobar enjoyed immunity from arrest as long as he was a public representative. Hence, in this Columbian example, organized crime was part and parcel of mainstream politics. In this sense, we can call the cartel a sophisticated, powerful and well organized group. (Griswold 2005) Having said so, not all underworld groups achieve popular recognition the way Medellin cartel did. For most